Broken Roads

Broken Roads

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Misao Kamiya  [developer] Apr 9 @ 7:59am
Welcome to Broken Roads — a narrative-driven, isometric post-apocalyptic RPG with philosophical choices! We'll continue to update this.

🔥 How many players?
➖ Broken Roads is a single-player experience with a party size of up to 5.

🔥 Where is the game set?
➖ Desolated Western Australia, roughly 100 years in the future.

🔥 What is the average wait time?
➖ The average playtime is over 30 hours. Playthrough times went up up from our original estimate of 25 hours to more like 32 hours.

You can complete it much faster if you know exactly what to do, and you can spend many, many more hours if you try and see and do everything. Plus you will have to finish the game at least four times if you want to 100% all the achievements.

🔥 Are there multiple endings?
➖ Yes! Many, in fact. There are four main endings you can reach, but the end sequences themselves can have hundreds of thousands of permutations based upon choices made throughout the game.

🔥 Localisation - which languages are supported?
➖ The game is localised into Chinese (Simplified), German, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish (LatAm), Brazilian Portuguese. Note that Audio is only available in English.

🔥 Does Broken Roads have VO?
➖ It will have partial VO. Akin to many classic RPGs - we're not going for full voice throughout, but we will have VO for key characters and key moments, combat etc; the narrative-heavy stuff.

🔥 What's the Morality System?
➖ Broken Roads’ unique morality system is based on four areas of moral philosophy: Utilitarianism, Nihilism, Machiavellianism and Humanism. In a 360-degree chart of possible options, players are able to choose from those within a certain range of their character’s core alignment.

Your decisions and dialogue options will shift your leaning and thus alter your possible range of future choices. We believe this enhances the game’s roleplaying realism - you can not take an evil option and then immediately follow up with the most noble option.

🔥 Are there romance options?
➖ There are romances in Broken Roads, but they're not the focus of the game. We're a small team that worked with a limited budget and a limited wordcount that we put in to other elements of the game, but there are definitely romances, relationships and, yes, casual sex as well.

This is another area where depending on player reaction and how well the game is received we can always add more later.

🔥 What's with the Camels?
➖ There are almost half a million feral camels in Australia; the largest such population in the world. They're incredibly hardy creatures, very well suited to life in the harsh Western Australian outback.

These dromedaries belong to the scouts, used for regular patrols and contract work - fuel is incredibly scarce, and very expensive, in the world of Broken Roads. Camels are used as the main method for transport, more so than cars!

*Note that Audio is only available in English.
Last edited by Misao Kamiya; Apr 10 @ 11:21am
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Stoibs Apr 9 @ 12:40pm 
Hey guys, just curious if this one plays well/is supported by the Steamdeck at launch at all also? Cheers.
Hey devs, how long is the game? Is it possible to keep playing it after the main quest is done? Do enemies respawn and/or scale up with the main characters?
daveyd Apr 9 @ 4:40pm 
Originally posted by Flamdring:
Hey devs, how long is the game? Is it possible to keep playing it after the main quest is done? Do enemies respawn and/or scale up with the main characters?

Re: game length, The developer said "Our playtesters were finishing it in about 25-28 hours a few months ago, and with all the polish, fixes etc we now have an average play time closer to 32 hours.

You could speedrun it much quicker if you knew what to do, and then to 100% it you will need to play at least four times (four origin stories, four moral quadrants...)."
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