GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

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PTSD Jun 23 @ 12:32am
bot grinders in training lobby
just encountered 7 bots in row , not funny
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Well, yeah, if you are playing training (unless you mean another gamemode), it defaults to AI, which means you are playing bots. You need to select the player option, though there is little point in that as almost no players do training as there is nothing to "grind" there as you say.
Ranked or Draft is where you find players.
Originally posted by MercuryRising:
Well, yeah, if you are playing training (unless you mean another gamemode), it defaults to AI, which means you are playing bots. You need to select the player option, though there is little point in that as almost no players do training as there is nothing to "grind" there as you say.
Ranked or Draft is where you find players.
Even when you select vs player, it gives me chinese bots most of the time. They all have the same playstyle
Blame google, not bots. Game never changes so bad players google the meta builds and spam it nonstop. I can't imagine bots using anything but the Viy monster deck. 0 brainpower and 100% winrate.

I haven't played training in years but I'm pretty sure there is 0 reason to use bots in training. You would use them in multiplayer.
Last edited by The Coal Man; Jun 25 @ 7:05pm
So I went to try Training again to see, and indeed there do appear to be bots running 30 card Nilfgaard decks in the vs player option. I even had one steal my heatwave and then proceed to use it on themselves, so they are certainly not difficult bots to beat. However, I did also match against real players, but much less often.

Is there a reason then why one would want an "actual" player over a bot account then in training? If it is for challenge or to see how a deck works, I still feel Ranked would be best, so what's the reason?
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