Falling Frontier

Falling Frontier

kRz Aug 15, 2021 @ 3:26am
[Petition] Please add Polish language
We, Polish players, current customers, and potential buyers, kindly ask you to translate the game into Polish.
Thank you.

The thread aims to show publishers and developers of Falling Frontier the scale of interest in the Polish language version.

I would like to ask users to remain calm in this thread.
Please do not carry out a war on arguments and unnecessary discussions.
Individuals not interested in the matter and non-polish speakers who do not support the initiative are asked to refrain from participating and highjacking the thread.

My polscy gracze, aktualni klienci i potencjalni nabywcy, zwracamy się z uprzejmą prośbą o przetłumaczenie gry na język polski.

Wątek ma na celu pokazane wydawcom i twórcom gry Falling Frontier skali zainteresowania polską wersją językową.

Bardzo proszę użytkowników o zachowanie kultury w tym wątku.
Proszę o nie prowadzenie wojny na argumenty i zbędnych dyskusji.
Osoby niezainteresowane sprawą oraz osoby nie mówiące po polsku, które nie chcą wesprzeć inicjatywy, proszone są o powstrzymanie się od głosu i nie zaśmiecanie wątku.
Originally posted by StutterFoxStudios:
So translating the language isn't really the issue. There's services that will do that. implementing that translation, possibly needing to change the size of UI elements or scaling to fit a new language is what takes significant amount of time. I'm a solo developer so every time a language is added there's a significant overhead.

Having said that I'm always looking for ways to streamline my processes and add new languages where possible. Adding Polish as a support language however is not something I can commit to at this time.
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
Sgt Steiner Aug 20, 2021 @ 10:00am 
hi, could i suggest you contact the dev and offer help in translating from English to Polish, the dev is a one man mission so an offer of help with translation would i think be greatly appreciated.
Brulikrax Aug 26, 2021 @ 2:42am 
IMO, there should be only 2 usable languages - English & Russian. It is self explanatory.
Trejan Aug 12, 2022 @ 6:09am 
The game is interesting. I buy with the Polish version. I know that the response among Polish strategy enthusiasts is large. I think that the text layer would be enough, although it was even better with the teacher. We want the Polish version! :-)
Tartyron Aug 12, 2022 @ 8:00am 
I am a Pole - and I know that Polish is one of the hardest languages there are.
It would be only fair to offer help to developer in such transation if someone proposes it.
Still - we are close to release date - and adding languages now would delay the release.

Asking for language patch later would make more sense when taking all players into account (everyone wants game ASAP).
Trejan Aug 12, 2022 @ 11:26am 
Everyone knows English well wants game ASAP. Until the PL version is added, this game is not for me.
Rys Aug 16, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
Good to know there a polish people who don't take themself way to srsly... You read such posts from russians and chinese too. Again and again. Especialy in stage of development where its absolutly not important-.- Iam german and my language is lyrical a hell to learn too. And i would never demand for german translation in first place. Or just thinking its THAT important. English is simple and easy2understand :)

@Trejan, it seems you're able to communicate and read english stuff. So may you increase your english skills insteat of setting posts which send the message that poland would be the most important thing in the world -.-
Last edited by Rys; Aug 16, 2022 @ 2:55pm
Trejan Aug 17, 2022 @ 11:59am 
What is so strange that I would like the game that interested me to have a Polish language?

Here is a note: if it has a Polish language layer, Poles will buy it and pay for it. Simple.

Basic language communication is not the same as having a very good command of the language. It is very difficult to accurately perceive the work of playing with its nuances in the language. In general, it will be known what is going on, not in detail, and many things will escape attention.
Robin2066 Aug 19, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
I am Polish player myself. Open for translation if anyone asks. Also think that Developer would be quite welcome, to create the possibilities of translating this game for people from other (non-English) countries ... by that people. With community like this on Steam - it should be a piece of cake.
Trejan Aug 20, 2022 @ 3:37am 
Exactly, good solution too. There is no Polish version? -> at least share how it was created by fans.
s*****wd Aug 21, 2022 @ 4:44am 
Learn English
TonDon Aug 21, 2022 @ 8:38am 
i am not polish but i'm supporting your request.
good luck!
Trejan Aug 21, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
Originally posted by s*****wd:
Learn English
I wonder why other developers decide to translate? Mistake? Are they losers, they don't know how to do business because they pay extra, do they do it for an idea? You are writing nonsense. You just need to calculate whether a given translation will result in increased sales. I believe that the Polish location will ensure such increased sales for Polish players. And the developer will judge - his decision. I, as a potential player, make such a suggestion. And that's it.
Last edited by Trejan; Aug 21, 2022 @ 12:06pm
= Krajan = Aug 25, 2022 @ 1:21pm 
Game looks interesting, please add polish language. Best regards
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
StutterFoxStudios  [developer] Aug 25, 2022 @ 2:39pm 
So translating the language isn't really the issue. There's services that will do that. implementing that translation, possibly needing to change the size of UI elements or scaling to fit a new language is what takes significant amount of time. I'm a solo developer so every time a language is added there's a significant overhead.

Having said that I'm always looking for ways to streamline my processes and add new languages where possible. Adding Polish as a support language however is not something I can commit to at this time.
Trejan Aug 26, 2022 @ 11:16am 
There are games that add new languages after release. So maybe it will be in the further plans? :-)
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