Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Can we spam negative reviews, until they fix this bs?
20$ per season is crazy
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
They just trying to milk it for all its worth before its dead, its obvious with the half ass modes and half hearted reskin events while not ever addressing the actual game play issues like sound, hit reg, disconnect issues or the broken ass match making which is probably to to massive player decline. At this point i firmly believe they are adding bots to lobbies to keep games moving along.
- Jankpex Losers...
- Aimhax Laggins...
- Apesex Leggings...
- ea & respawn is using all that $$$$$$$ just to wipe their big filthy greedy a$$eS.
- Ahhhhhhhh "L" :steammocking:
Ape hacks slaggins
fr! :steamhappy:

greedy ea turds rig this infested game with "Engagement Optimized Matchmaking" (EOMM) so that foolish players stay engaged and lure them to BUY highly overpriced stupid useless content.
Positive review only for 20$ per month!
Last edited by ⛧Voŕt̢eX̷_F̧ưr̡y⛧; Jul 17 @ 8:39am
They know the game is dying, cant do a thing to cheats scripts and the servers state, the season pass is just a killer shot to the game, may be they are preparing a new apex legends game so they can save themselves,
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