Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Cheater Problem
Ranked is unplayable.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
TMK2013 Jul 6 @ 6:37pm 
Every gamemode atm feels unplayable. Ever since Quads came out, my game has been ♥♥♥♥♥ and my settings had been switched around.
When COD got less cheaters than this game. :steamsad::steamsad:
Dekond Jul 7 @ 1:33am 
skill issue
Originally posted by Dekond:
skill issue
Says the russian who also down voted the game xD
Dekond Jul 7 @ 4:25am 
Originally posted by Kinky Tinky:
Originally posted by Dekond:
skill issue
Says the russian who also down voted the game xD
You can continue whining or play by the game rules.
- Only play in pre-made party.
- play with ReWASD, since the developers don't give a about cheaters.Zero bans for rewasd,xim e.t.c
-unbind chat key.They ban only for chat.
Originally posted by TheScotsman:
In the video, they say "he crashed the server". if it hear correctly. Is that a thing like protection against reports or just unstable servers?
7xSven Jul 7 @ 6:00am 
Originally posted by Dekond:
Originally posted by Kinky Tinky:
Says the russian who also down voted the game xD
You can continue whining or play by the game rules.
- Only play in pre-made party.
- play with ReWASD, since the developers don't give a about cheaters.Zero bans for rewasd,xim e.t.c
-unbind chat key.They ban only for chat.
So I suppose you are one of them.

Skill Issue is when you need a third party software to play good, not the exact opposite
S.Z. Jul 7 @ 6:02am 
Originally posted by Kinky Tinky:
Cheater Problem
Cheaters aren't a problem as long as people are logging into the game anyway.
It is sad considering i am always trying to convince my friends to play this game like we used to from day 1 but they refuse because of the cheaters and the matchmaking issues. There are moments where i am holding myself from downloading cheats but the only way to resist it is by quiting the game altogether.
Breaking news.
Originally posted by TheScotsman:
lmaoooo he really tried to play on eu server to dodge the cheaters ?
Supa Jul 10 @ 8:41am 
Originally posted by 7xSven:
Originally posted by Dekond:
You can continue whining or play by the game rules.
- Only play in pre-made party.
- play with ReWASD, since the developers don't give a about cheaters.Zero bans for rewasd,xim e.t.c
-unbind chat key.They ban only for chat.
So I suppose you are one of them.

Skill Issue is when you need a third party software to play good, not the exact opposite
But they're kinda right. It's a skill issue to keep playing this game and believing that you can be better than people who don't play fair.

The aim assist and all sort of tools/glitches related to it make the game very unfair towards players who play fair. The game has recoil, aim punch, visibility problems and a weak crosshair that moves off-center between movement and weapon animations. In short it's a nightmare for people who play without any assists. Like sometimes I just get shot down so fast in this game it feels unreal. I also feel like my eye hand coordination is on level of an elder person...

But then I would play something else like I don't know Quake Champions and suddenly my aim is so good. And it's not like targets move slow in Quake, it's just that you are actually in full control of your crosshair and the shots go exactly where you're aiming at, and no aiming down sights or any other visual clutter to make you second guess. Plus because it's a "dead game" nobody cares enough to cheat it in, yes you might play vs people who are really really good but there's no aim assist cheaters like in Apex.
Last edited by Supa; Jul 10 @ 8:42am
MxMigui Jul 10 @ 8:54am 
the game is unplayable
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