Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Clearify the aim assist debate
i am opening this discussion since a lot of people seem to have no idea what they are really talking about when it comes to this topic and seem to be extremlly biased (as am i) in the discussion

i play apex since season 1 and the current state of the game, to me is the worst it has ever been in, i got 3k hours on this game with about 95% of these hours on mnk
i plugged in a controller once to see how it is, tried it for about two weeks and went back to mnk since it simply felt more natural to me
below it have put my thoughts into various topics i feel like and everyone is free to argue any of those points

first, the main problem for me with aimassist in Apex is that for me, an mnk player, there is nooption to opt out of this at all, i am forced into lobbies with you controller players, who btw, voluntarily join into pc lobbies, you choose to enable crossplay or you choose to plug in a controller into your pc setup.....both is your choice and thats fine but i dont have a choice in this, thats simply unfair to me and all the other mnk players

second, the argument that mnk has movement is srsly not valid, movement is really hard to learn and it takes a lot, A LOT, of time and energy to find the right timing and get consistency, barly 10% of mnk player use all those techniques there are on a regualr basis, but again you controller players choose to voluntarily play against mnk players with supposedly better movement, so if you wanna cry about this or use this as an argument, its just your own fault, you brought yourself into this position

third, it seems many controller players dont understand what an aimbot does, it aims automaticlly, now aimassist in apex is 40-60% of an aimbot, since in difference to games like COD or BF (those i have played, dunno about other games) the aimassist in apex activly aims for you which makes it at least a partial aimbot

fourth, not understanding this seems to be the main issue controller players have these days, use your brain for once and dont be offended by others opionion, its not an attack on you personlly as a controller player but rather aginst the unfair system....one side having a partial aimbot and the other side having no option but to live with it is simply put NOT FAIR

fifth, i dont have a problem with controller players in pc lobbies, as long as there is no obvious advantage to one side, which the currently is, the aimassist the way it works atm is broken and nothing less, the programm is a computer with 0ms reaction time, always working with perfect consistency, which is simply impossible to achieve or replicate for a human on mnk or any input without an automated assistant

i am open to criticism on my points and i believe that my points reflect the view on a lot of mnk players in apex

to every controller player reading this, think about it, its also not meant as an attack on your choice of input or controller in general, its just a describtion of how i feel about the game and its current state as well as the general debate about aimassist

to every mnk player, i advise you to plug in a controller hop into firing range and try the aimassist yourself, you will see it works like a PARTIAL aimbot, not an aimbot as in a cheating software

if anyone has made it this far, GJ to you.i didnt expect this one to be this long myself, i just got into a rythm once i have stared i guess :DD
Last edited by the last of the mnks; Jun 7 @ 5:49am
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Showing 1-15 of 61 comments
Honestly controllers are meant for gaming. Only old school or hardcore players play MnK. MnK has the best movement and long range and mid range you will smoke a controller player everytime. MnK has barely any recoil controller has a lot the issue is it feels like you are aiming at a magnet and bullets literally magnetize to you as opposed to MnK input. Honestly the problem isnt the aim-assist (aimbot) or if one input is better than the other. The problem is respawn made it so MnK had to play with controller players on PC and vice versa. We should only be able to play with people on the same input. Thats why its such a debate. I put 3k hours on xbox bought a PC to play MnK because it looked more fun. Only to find out the game has a unfair amount of controller players with broken aim-assist and im forced to play with them. So I get it...its annoying you can have all the skill in the world on MnK but you wont ever have an AI aiming for you and you will never beat it close range.
Varyans Jun 7 @ 11:32am 
First of all, why the tech of a controller never changed? Why a Apex character, for example, have to make a side turn intermittent? I am a gamer since C64/Amstrad and gaming and computer tech got a lot of change but a controller? No; all these days, weeks, months and years, nothing changed, the controller is still the same controller and they are still saying "my friend, do you know how hard to play with a controller?" Yes I know and am asking "why are they, the producers not still changing the mechanics of it?"
I am very curious about how will the trigger feedback (on PS, for example) be helping your aiming, dear controller player, in Apex Legends? Does it really worth to get it, instead of a smooth characters side turns like we, human beings do naturally?
Last edited by Varyans; Jun 7 @ 11:34am
Originally posted by Lots Of Lettuce:
Honestly controllers are meant for gaming. Only old school or hardcore players play MnK. MnK has the best movement and long range and mid range you will smoke a controller player everytime. MnK has barely any recoil controller has a lot the issue is it feels like you are aiming at a magnet and bullets literally magnetize to you as opposed to MnK input. Honestly the problem isnt the aim-assist (aimbot) or if one input is better than the other. The problem is respawn made it so MnK had to play with controller players on PC and vice versa. We should only be able to play with people on the same input. Thats why its such a debate. I put 3k hours on xbox bought a PC to play MnK because it looked more fun. Only to find out the game has a unfair amount of controller players with broken aim-assist and im forced to play with them. So I get it...its annoying you can have all the skill in the world on MnK but you wont ever have an AI aiming for you and you will never beat it close range.
i agree, they should not be in the same lobbies from the start but that wont change so its not an option.....
Cross-input in competitive fps is fundamentally flawed because games try to make equal two inputs which can't be equal: mnk and controller.
At the end of the day, I believe that regardless of the arguments that each side makes, trying to balance aim assist for one skill level will punish mnk users on another, for example:

Making strong aim assist for casuals (to keep up) will punish mnk players on higher skill levels because it provides good controller players inhuman accuracy and consistency which they definitely will abuse, on the other hand, balancing it for highly skilled players will make it so that controller casuals get crushed and quit the game = bad for business and longevity.

I don't think there's any good solution besides making cross-input matchmaking an option that can be disabled.
Originally posted by shadow realm:
Cross-input in competitive fps is fundamentally flawed because games try to make equal two inputs which can't be equal: mnk and controller.
At the end of the day, I believe that regardless of the arguments that each side makes, trying to balance aim assist for one skill level will punish mnk users on another, for example:

Making strong aim assist for casuals (to keep up) will punish mnk players on higher skill levels because it provides good controller players inhuman accuracy and consistency which they definitely will abuse, on the other hand, balancing it for highly skilled players will make it so that controller casuals get crushed and quit the game = bad for business and longevity.

I don't think there's any good solution besides making cross-input matchmaking an option that can be disabled.

i like the 2nd option as it should be like that, mnk should put BigD on contoller coz they came to our field of love. We didnt ask for that and no sane persone on earth wasnted to play vs cheat... aimbo... aimazzist players

I play with MnK and I notice sometimes that my bullets snap very easily on the target.. other times its like 100% bullets repelling and nohitreg. BS
Last edited by SÜM1 i§IN myHead!!!; Jun 7 @ 6:53pm
for someone to claim they played a long time, this guy sure doesn't know crossplay isnt a "option". not much of a debate either when it boils down to "controller aimbot, mouse and keyboard doesn't have a advantage".. lol nor do you seem to know what aim assist does.
unless theres some magical tweaking setting im not seeing thats giving players perfect aim, it only helps in close range with hipfire by slightly moving the camera to the enemies movement, this gets tossed out the window for mid-long range and if you aim at all, though doesn't even help that often as people spam crouch, jump, move side to side all while perfectly shooting you in the face on mouse and keyboard. you literally cant even compare high precision aiming with mouse and the amount of movement you can do with keyboard vs a controller player that does everything slower

as a real player thats been playing this since season 1, I can turn off aim assist and still do everything i do in the same way, even played a few times on mouse and keyboard.. while i couldnt aim for crap since im a long time controller player with bad hand cramps.. I noticed it was so much easier to dodge peoples bullets lol. god i wish there was a option to play console only, without pc players the game was fair and most players felt like I was fighting toddlers :apex_lifeline:
Originally posted by Cold_Blade:
for someone to claim they played a long time, this guy sure doesn't know crossplay isnt a "option". not much of a debate either when it boils down to "controller aimbot, mouse and keyboard doesn't have a advantage".. lol nor do you seem to know what aim assist does.
unless theres some magical tweaking setting im not seeing thats giving players perfect aim, it only helps in close range with hipfire by slightly moving the camera to the enemies movement, this gets tossed out the window for mid-long range and if you aim at all, though doesn't even help that often as people spam crouch, jump, move side to side all while perfectly shooting you in the face on mouse and keyboard. you literally cant even compare high precision aiming with mouse and the amount of movement you can do with keyboard vs a controller player that does everything slower

as a real player thats been playing this since season 1, I can turn off aim assist and still do everything i do in the same way, even played a few times on mouse and keyboard.. while i couldnt aim for crap since im a long time controller player with bad hand cramps.. I noticed it was so much easier to dodge peoples bullets lol. god i wish there was a option to play console only, without pc players the game was fair and most players felt like I was fighting toddlers :apex_lifeline:
who or what are you talking about? If this is adressed at me then i would recommend you read the discussion again and read first before you answer......

i explained the aim assist excactly the way it works, if you dont understand that, its not my problem.....saying it only help with hipfire is just delusional

still coulndt figure out if you try to troll here, which is just dumb or you got actually no clue what you are talking about
Originally posted by the last of the mnks:
Originally posted by Cold_Blade:
for someone to claim they played a long time, this guy sure doesn't know crossplay isnt a "option". not much of a debate either when it boils down to "controller aimbot, mouse and keyboard doesn't have a advantage".. lol nor do you seem to know what aim assist does.
unless theres some magical tweaking setting im not seeing thats giving players perfect aim, it only helps in close range with hipfire by slightly moving the camera to the enemies movement, this gets tossed out the window for mid-long range and if you aim at all, though doesn't even help that often as people spam crouch, jump, move side to side all while perfectly shooting you in the face on mouse and keyboard. you literally cant even compare high precision aiming with mouse and the amount of movement you can do with keyboard vs a controller player that does everything slower

as a real player thats been playing this since season 1, I can turn off aim assist and still do everything i do in the same way, even played a few times on mouse and keyboard.. while i couldnt aim for crap since im a long time controller player with bad hand cramps.. I noticed it was so much easier to dodge peoples bullets lol. god i wish there was a option to play console only, without pc players the game was fair and most players felt like I was fighting toddlers :apex_lifeline:
who or what are you talking about? If this is adressed at me then i would recommend you read the discussion again and read first before you answer......

i explained the aim assist excactly the way it works, if you dont understand that, its not my problem.....saying it only help with hipfire is just delusional

still coulndt figure out if you try to troll here, which is just dumb or you got actually no clue what you are talking about

your "discussion" is crying about aim assist being aim bot.

you explained nothing about how aim assist is in the game besides again, just saying its a magical tool that somehow gives people aimbot.

and now your just going on the offensive and insulting without even trying to refute.

why even come here to complain if your not even going to have a meaningful discussion, on top of being butt hurt over the first person that doesn't agree with your spur of the moment rage rant from probably dying in a match then thinking everyones hacking lmao
Originally posted by the last of the mnks:
Originally posted by Cold_Blade:
for someone to claim they played a long time, this guy sure doesn't know crossplay isnt a "option". not much of a debate either when it boils down to "controller aimbot, mouse and keyboard doesn't have a advantage".. lol nor do you seem to know what aim assist does.
unless theres some magical tweaking setting im not seeing thats giving players perfect aim, it only helps in close range with hipfire by slightly moving the camera to the enemies movement, this gets tossed out the window for mid-long range and if you aim at all, though doesn't even help that often as people spam crouch, jump, move side to side all while perfectly shooting you in the face on mouse and keyboard. you literally cant even compare high precision aiming with mouse and the amount of movement you can do with keyboard vs a controller player that does everything slower

as a real player thats been playing this since season 1, I can turn off aim assist and still do everything i do in the same way, even played a few times on mouse and keyboard.. while i couldnt aim for crap since im a long time controller player with bad hand cramps.. I noticed it was so much easier to dodge peoples bullets lol. god i wish there was a option to play console only, without pc players the game was fair and most players felt like I was fighting toddlers :apex_lifeline:
who or what are you talking about? If this is adressed at me then i would recommend you read the discussion again and read first before you answer......

i explained the aim assist excactly the way it works, if you dont understand that, its not my problem.....saying it only help with hipfire is just delusional

still coulndt figure out if you try to troll here, which is just dumb or you got actually no clue what you are talking about
Another aim assist is aim bot thread, nothing to see here.
Bi Jun 9 @ 1:57am 
just fk split 2 input away , fk debate ♥♥♥♥ , break shield enemy and push then get one clip bullshet is cancer !
Originally posted by Cold_Blade:
Originally posted by the last of the mnks:
who or what are you talking about? If this is adressed at me then i would recommend you read the discussion again and read first before you answer......

i explained the aim assist excactly the way it works, if you dont understand that, its not my problem.....saying it only help with hipfire is just delusional

still coulndt figure out if you try to troll here, which is just dumb or you got actually no clue what you are talking about

your "discussion" is crying about aim assist being aim bot.

you explained nothing about how aim assist is in the game besides again, just saying its a magical tool that somehow gives people aimbot.

and now your just going on the offensive and insulting without even trying to refute.

why even come here to complain if your not even going to have a meaningful discussion, on top of being butt hurt over the first person that doesn't agree with your spur of the moment rage rant from probably dying in a match then thinking everyones hacking lmao
dude what is this comment????

he mentioned the aim assist is only working while in hipfire, what am i suppossed to do with such obvious lies?
He didnt read my comments in the first place, as you can see with his own words, which simply dont make sense and have no point.

dunno what you consider insulting someone....i only said if he was trolling it would be dumb, i am calling his possible action dumb, not the person....massive difference

also, you seem to have not read the whole thing as well....i never said aimassist is an aimbot, i said it works like a partial aimbot, which is simply true lol....everyone can see that.....you go into the firing range losely aim towards a bot and the game will activly move your crosshair.....thats the definition of an aimbot dude.....the difference to an actual aimbot is obvious, it doesnt stick to the bot all the time

i never have a rant moment because some controller killed me....its a game so idc, some people are better and other have a literal computer program helping them, against which i simply cant compete becasue of 0ms reaction time and consistency

if oyu consider this crying, then i really dont ever want to have a discussion with you anyways since you just come around with the typical saying of people who dont know how to discuss, thats fine, some people enjoy it and other it just bores to death, especially if they are not invested into the topic
Originally posted by TwerkyMerky:
Originally posted by the last of the mnks:
who or what are you talking about? If this is adressed at me then i would recommend you read the discussion again and read first before you answer......

i explained the aim assist excactly the way it works, if you dont understand that, its not my problem.....saying it only help with hipfire is just delusional

still coulndt figure out if you try to troll here, which is just dumb or you got actually no clue what you are talking about
Another aim assist is aim bot thread, nothing to see here.
yet you came in and had to comment :D

also i never said aimassist is an aimbot, so yet another one who doesnt bother reading the entire topic before commenting^^
Last edited by the last of the mnks; Jun 9 @ 2:57am
all we want is an option to only play against MNK players.
I hate the aim assist
I do want an option to play only against players with same type of input device as I have. Controller players will have console and part of PC world. MnK will have the rest of PC world. With this in place the game would be a good option for casual player like me.
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