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Noctis Jul 9, 2023 @ 9:28pm
It seems to me that we will not see Naruto games for a long time, since the anime is over, and perhaps this is our last chance to get everything that we wanted from Naruto games, which means that we need to write what we want in the comments of YouTube and other platforms for this game, so that the developers hear our requests. Therefore, from beginning to end, copy this text and leave it everywhere for this game. Maybe they will notice it.

I think a lot of the fights in this game should be remade into boss battles with their own special differences from regular fights and button press scenes. Here are some of them:

Sasuke vs Killer Bee: Instead of an interesting boss fight, we got a normal fight in Storm 2, while in Naruto Impact it was a boss fight. I think that this fight needs to be fixed and turned into a boss battle and much more epic than what was in Impact. And also they must do it not in the forest, but at the location where they fought in the anime.

Sasuke vs Danzo: Again, we only got a normal fight instead of a boss fight, even though there was so much more to create about in this fight, besides even the button-pressing moments. It was possible to make it so that you have to kill Danzo 8 times, and after each kill there are new opportunities (for example, fly on a bird and attack Danzo from the air or shoot him with Susanoo arrows) and new scenes with pressing buttons. This could have been one of the most epic boss battles in the Naruto games, but the developers missed it.

Konan vs Tobi: This too could have been a boss battle, given how much Konan could come up with in paper form. It could be done so that Konan creates large pieces of paper in the air for herself, which she could step on and rise to Toby, who would shoot fireballs at her while standing in the air.

Naruto and Killer Bee vs Nagato and Itachi: Here they could also create of a lot of interesting things, how to deal with Nagato summoned dogs, how to destroy a meteorite. But they missed it again.

These are just the main battles that I can remember, and surely many other battles can be made more interesting! For example, most of the battles in Storm 1. There, we only got the boss battle against huge creatures like Shukaku, Gamabunta and Manda. How many other battles? I would love to see Gaara and Rock Lee boss battle, Neji and Naruto boss battle, Sasuke and Naruto boss battle, Naruto and Kiba boss battle!

I would love to see Sasuke vs Haku boss battle where Sasuke could sometimes use Sharingan mode to slow down time and catch Haku, pull him out of the mirror and hit! And then Haku would return to the mirror and throw needles, and the player would have to dodge, after which Haku would abruptly move towards the player, attacking him!

Also, in Strom 1, it would be interesting to have a normal story mode like in Storm 2 and Storm 3, so that we can walk in the forest in the chunin exam and fight for the scroll with different enemies. In general, in terms of boss battles and story mode, Storm 1 needs a big remake, I would even buy it as a separate game if Storm 1 was remade separately.

Also previous Naruto games such as Storm 1 and Strom 2 need to add a stump/log system to make it easy to move behind the back of the enemy.

Now let's talk about the combat system. Undoubtedly, the combat system of the game has grown significantly, but there are still annoying moments when the character cannot make a dash while in the air, but for some reason slowly lingers there, while the enemy character can easily quickly make a dash even in the air. For balance for all characters, this problem needs to be fixed. There are also bugs when you were able to escape from the opponent's hands, but due to the fact that the opponent completed the combo, an animation appears that allows him to finish you off even if he did not touch you, and also allows him to remove your support's attack. It would also not hurt to return the second absolute jutsu after the awakening of the character in order to diversify the game, as well as update the techniques and absolute jutsu of old characters, which are much inferior to the new ones in the combat system.
Last edited by Noctis; Sep 12, 2023 @ 10:37am
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Showing 1-15 of 61 comments
Noctis Jul 9, 2023 @ 9:28pm 
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Last edited by Noctis; Jul 10, 2023 @ 2:09pm
Fariz Jul 10, 2023 @ 1:24am 
Sorry, but my hope for this game is less. Just another milking Naruto games. The developer really lazy compared when they make Naruto 5 PS2
Donte Jul 10, 2023 @ 10:26am 
They don't care and they never will. It's just bare minimum to push it as a new game and to justify hefty pricetag
Noctis Jul 10, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
Originally posted by John Nash:
Sorry, but my hope for this game is less. Just another milking Naruto games. The developer really lazy compared when they make Naruto 5 PS2
I think it would be great to make a new Naruto game in the style of Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5 on PS2, but with new graphics and characters and online mode
Last edited by Noctis; Jul 10, 2023 @ 2:14pm
Noctis Jul 10, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
Originally posted by Donte:
They don't care and they never will. It's just bare minimum to push it as a new game and to justify hefty pricetag
Well, seeing that the commentators were not happy, the creators decided to add more characters (from the old Naruto games) and a new Story Mode to the game. So maybe if they see this text from different fans they will really think about it and make a complete good game.
[BANNED]. Jul 11, 2023 @ 12:30am 
Still waiting for an open world Naruto game.
Last edited by [BANNED].; Jul 11, 2023 @ 12:35am
Noctis Jul 11, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
Originally posted by BANNED.:
Still waiting for an open world Naruto game.
Takius Jul 11, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
I fully agree with all the above aspects, but the biggest drawback I see in the combat style itself, namely, it is outdated. The first Storm has been released in 2007 (if I'm not mistaken), and it was a real leap in the world of Naruto games, great graphics, gameplay, worked out to every detail, which we lost in all subsequent parts (for example, the ability to interrupt the enemy's ultimate, clash of two ninjutsu, wall running and more advanced functionality of support characters). 15 years have passed since then, and what do we see? The combat system, which is a one-button combo, has remained, the use of one available ninjutsu or ultimate, but I want more variety. For comparison, you can look at Akatsuki Rising, where in addition to the battles of two characters in the same arena, like in Storms, the player has to go through tunnel locations through a series of enemies, which already makes this game interesting. This was brought to Storm only in the 3rd part, in the 4th we did not see this. Of course, the creators tried to present something new in each of the parts, for example, take the battles in the "World Ninja Tournament", where as many as 4 characters fought at once, but it was so crooked and ridiculous that sometimes you got lost in all this mess and could not switch the focus of the character to a specific enemy at the time. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that even Storm 1 looks much more dynamic, colorful and interesting against the background of all subsequent games. I would love to see a completely new game built from the ground up where players would be given more character options. Anime Naruto is an anime where the emphasis is not on colorful battles and beautiful animations of techniques, but more on how thoughtfully the character fights, analyzing enemy techniques, rationally using his skills, substitutions and clones .. I would like this to be implemented in the new Naruto game!
Last edited by Takius; Jul 11, 2023 @ 5:07pm
Takius Jul 11, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
I believe that the capabilities of modern game engines are more than enough to implement more new things in a new game. I heard that Storm Connections will add all the storylines of all previous parts with a minimum of innovations and changes, which literally devalues ​​all previous parts and makes this game bad, which I consider it to be.
Last edited by Takius; Jul 11, 2023 @ 5:08pm
Noctis Jul 12, 2023 @ 10:59am 
Originally posted by ツメタイカゲロウ:
I fully agree with all the above aspects, but the biggest drawback I see in the combat style itself, namely, it is outdated. The first Storm has been released in 2007 (if I'm not mistaken), and it was a real leap in the world of Naruto games, great graphics, gameplay, worked out to every detail, which we lost in all subsequent parts (for example, the ability to interrupt the enemy's ultimate, clash of two ninjutsu, wall running and more advanced functionality of support characters). 15 years have passed since then, and what do we see? The combat system, which is a one-button combo, has remained, the use of one available ninjutsu or ultimate, but I want more variety. For comparison, you can look at Akatsuki Rising, where in addition to the battles of two characters in the same arena, like in Storms, the player has to go through tunnel locations through a series of enemies, which already makes this game interesting. This was brought to Storm only in the 3rd part, in the 4th we did not see this. Of course, the creators tried to present something new in each of the parts, for example, take the battles in the "World Ninja Tournament", where as many as 4 characters fought at once, but it was so crooked and ridiculous that sometimes you got lost in all this mess and could not switch the focus of the character to a specific enemy at the time. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that even Storm 1 looks much more dynamic, colorful and interesting against the background of all subsequent games. I would love to see a completely new game built from the ground up where players would be given more character options. Anime Naruto is an anime where the emphasis is not on colorful battles and beautiful animations of techniques, but more on how thoughtfully the character fights, analyzing enemy techniques, rationally using his skills, substitutions and clones .. I would like this to be implemented in the new Naruto game!
You're right
Noctis Jul 14, 2023 @ 8:34pm 
Noctis Jul 19, 2023 @ 10:17pm 
Copy-paste this text
Hunk Jul 20, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by ツメタイカゲロウ:
I fully agree with all the above aspects, but the biggest drawback I see in the combat style itself, namely, it is outdated. The first Storm has been released in 2007 (if I'm not mistaken), and it was a real leap in the world of Naruto games, great graphics, gameplay, worked out to every detail, which we lost in all subsequent parts (for example, the ability to interrupt the enemy's ultimate, clash of two ninjutsu, wall running and more advanced functionality of support characters). 15 years have passed since then, and what do we see? The combat system, which is a one-button combo, has remained, the use of one available ninjutsu or ultimate, but I want more variety. For comparison, you can look at Akatsuki Rising, where in addition to the battles of two characters in the same arena, like in Storms, the player has to go through tunnel locations through a series of enemies, which already makes this game interesting. This was brought to Storm only in the 3rd part, in the 4th we did not see this. Of course, the creators tried to present something new in each of the parts, for example, take the battles in the "World Ninja Tournament", where as many as 4 characters fought at once, but it was so crooked and ridiculous that sometimes you got lost in all this mess and could not switch the focus of the character to a specific enemy at the time. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that even Storm 1 looks much more dynamic, colorful and interesting against the background of all subsequent games. I would love to see a completely new game built from the ground up where players would be given more character options. Anime Naruto is an anime where the emphasis is not on colorful battles and beautiful animations of techniques, but more on how thoughtfully the character fights, analyzing enemy techniques, rationally using his skills, substitutions and clones .. I would like this to be implemented in the new Naruto game!

i have to disagree with your outdated combo mechanic opinion right there. this is the only fighting game ip i play because of its simplicity its easy to learn hard to master type of game witch we all like i work at a 8-5 job i dont have the time/nerdiness to sit down and learn finger breaking combos the game is simple and fun me and many of my friends ho played storm series since 2012-13 agree on this. there is many other fighter game ip's like db:fighterz-street fighter-injustice2 etc. witch has that mechanic you want sometimes you dont need to make things more complicated to achieve simple fun
Takius Jul 20, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Hunk:
Originally posted by ツメタイカゲロウ:
I fully agree with all the above aspects, but the biggest drawback I see in the combat style itself, namely, it is outdated. The first Storm has been released in 2007 (if I'm not mistaken), and it was a real leap in the world of Naruto games, great graphics, gameplay, worked out to every detail, which we lost in all subsequent parts (for example, the ability to interrupt the enemy's ultimate, clash of two ninjutsu, wall running and more advanced functionality of support characters). 15 years have passed since then, and what do we see? The combat system, which is a one-button combo, has remained, the use of one available ninjutsu or ultimate, but I want more variety. For comparison, you can look at Akatsuki Rising, where in addition to the battles of two characters in the same arena, like in Storms, the player has to go through tunnel locations through a series of enemies, which already makes this game interesting. This was brought to Storm only in the 3rd part, in the 4th we did not see this. Of course, the creators tried to present something new in each of the parts, for example, take the battles in the "World Ninja Tournament", where as many as 4 characters fought at once, but it was so crooked and ridiculous that sometimes you got lost in all this mess and could not switch the focus of the character to a specific enemy at the time. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that even Storm 1 looks much more dynamic, colorful and interesting against the background of all subsequent games. I would love to see a completely new game built from the ground up where players would be given more character options. Anime Naruto is an anime where the emphasis is not on colorful battles and beautiful animations of techniques, but more on how thoughtfully the character fights, analyzing enemy techniques, rationally using his skills, substitutions and clones .. I would like this to be implemented in the new Naruto game!

i have to disagree with your outdated combo mechanic opinion right there. this is the only fighting game ip i play because of its simplicity its easy to learn hard to master type of game witch we all like i work at a 8-5 job i dont have the time/nerdiness to sit down and learn finger breaking combos the game is simple and fun me and many of my friends ho played storm series since 2012-13 agree on this. there is many other fighter game ip's like db:fighterz-street fighter-injustice2 etc. witch has that mechanic you want sometimes you dont need to make things more complicated to achieve simple fun
You don't need to be agreed with my opinion lol, but you're really mistaken whel you told that combo mechanic is outdated, at least because fighting games with "outdated combo mechanic" are more popular than Storm x , however, making combo with one button makes this game boring after some times while in other fighting games such as Tekken, SoulCalibur 6 and etc there are many combo variations what makes those games more interesting than the same Storm 4, what also makes it replayable, because when you learn the combinations of one character, you will want to play someone else, and there are a lot of characters in the game. Also, the main problem that I tried to reflect in my post is not one-key combos, but an outdated game mechanic that has not changed in any way since 2007.
AzureKnight4331 Jul 21, 2023 @ 8:37pm 
Originally posted by BANNED.:
Still waiting for an open world Naruto game.
Closet we ever got were the two Naruto games made by Ubisoft for the Xbox 360. Which were pretty good games honestly, they just got over shadowed by the Storm games. As well as being stuck on the xbox where anime/Japanese games never did well on.
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