Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

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[SV]FeReise Apr 13, 2020 @ 4:44am
[UPDATED] The unrealistic issues in MW2 and suggestions for its REBOOTED version
To a lot of people nowadays (including me), Modern Warfare 2 is, and always been, hailed for many great things it had offered to the FPS gamers. Its story line, characters, soundtracks, gameplay, different game modes and etc. are the important matters that made this game so unique and addictive.

However, apart from the gameplay, this game also has a huge load of illogical and other unrealistic things. Here are examples and suggestions for those who really interested in realism, just for an educational case and it also might be useful for the Modders and the future "REBOOTED" version.

*Note: Most of this were taken directly from my own original review for MW2. To put it simple, this is an upgrade version of the review -

1. Illogical/unrealistic stuff
- The outcome after No Russian incident, seems like the Ultra-Russian decide it was all the US fault without any careful research.
- In reality, just attacked civilian in the airport was seemingly not enough to convince the world to believe it was all planned by the US government. And it might would have ended up rising a suspicious toward the Russian Government also.
It would be MUCH more believable if Makarov's men also attack on the Russian Government's important places, other military related locations, and assassinate their political rivals. To put it simple, the attack on airport could be just a bloody diversion for the Russian security forces.
- From above, there is another thing to make the event more believable. In the prior terrorist attacks, Makarov might had left some sort of the fake evidences to make people believe that American is the one who back him up. Well, at first not everyone might buy it, but then there is another attack with another 'evidence'. And then No Russian happens with a body of CIA that will back everything in the past up.
- Why FSB operatives don't check up or follow the Makarov's ambulance? Well, that make me believe either the FSB might have known about the set up or just the developers make them arrived the scene too quick.
- To this day, Infinity Ward developers never give a reason or any kind of lore that WHY SHEPHERD CHOOSE PFC.ALLEN to do the suicide mission at the first place? Because he had a knowledge on Russian language? Or some sort of connection? We never know.
- How could no one able to detects hundreds of large cargo planes flying over 'European territories' into the US?
- By such a distance, how did Russians able to support their logistics for invasion force? This seems like a single trip since there isn't enough fuel to return to Russia.
- In reality, it was very unlikely that only Russia alone could be able to (nearly) win the war against the US. It'd make more sense if China and some of allies countries of both super powers assist the attack also.
- In order to attack US, the plan and troops should be prepared more than a week or month, or even longer than that. And there is no further explanation at all if the Russian military have already secretly prepared their forces to invade US and use the 'No Russian incident' as an excuse for the invasion or not.
- How could the nuclear/EMP blast wave be able to destroy the space station and satellite in space? With no atmosphere, the wave should be ineffective (especially if it's just an EMP). Still, EMP and radiation wave (with no atmosphere to interrupt their path) should be enough to kill those poor people in the station.
- From the Cliff hanger and Just like the old times missions, why two ELITE special forces didn't even try to hide or cover up the dead bodies at all? This is possibly the reason of how they blown their cover.
- From the Cliff Hanger and the End game, pursued by so many Helicopters and snow mobiles/zodiacs, the protagonists shouldn't survive from the situation.
- Ukraine's coat of arms appear on the Ultranationalist's snow mobile.
- American bus appear EVERYWHERE on this planet.
- In Takedown mission, Rojas assistant was firing his Desert Eagle about 13 rounds, from the entire 7 rounds clip.
Note: The Devs finally change the event to become more appropriate now in the remastered version. Rojas assistant now firing 4 rounds out of the pistol, then pick up an AK to do the rest of his kills.
- Judge from the distance, how Royce know that Meat is down? Since Meat also doesn't scream or anything.
- Being one of the arms dealer for Makarov and have a connection to KGB and Ultranationalist (Soap's Journal in MW3). Yet, the ONLY thing Rojas known is "Prisoner 627" - Something that seems to be a very private information, and how Rojas knew it is something we don't know to this day.
- In the Hornet Nest's loading screen, the news about Russian invasion is mostly covered up by videos of the 'No Russian' incident and the favela shootout for no particular reason.
- In reality, it's normally requires two person to operate the Javelin (FGM-148).
- Every AIRSOFT weapons and magazine models in this game (most of which still appear in the Remastered version) should be replaced by the realistic ones.
- Every shotgun's tighter spread should be readjusted for the sake of realism.
- American armament like 50 cal ammo cases and suppressors appear everywhere, on every factions.
- FSB and Spetsnaz with American MH-6 Little Bird, it should be 'Kamov Ka-226' variants instead.
- To shoot Shepherd's Helo down, Price should use 'M203' or something else bigger instead of just 3 rounds from M4A1.
Note: This one has already been fixed in the remastered version, luckily.
- According from "Alex D Vasilkov" my 2 years experienced Ex-Russian soldier and Modder friend, Russian BTRs and tanks have a special electronic system that (might) can help them to survive the EMP blast. Even without this special gadget, they might can still be operational 'IF' those vehicles have other starting options. For example - using the pressurized/compressed air starting system to start the engine, with this method the vehicle might can still be able to operate long enough to return back to the base.
- Russian VDV (paratroopers) alone can't secure the entire Northeastern part of US, the regular Russian Army soldiers should appear in the DC missions also. And they could appear along with T-90 battle tanks.
- T-72A tanks that appear as wreckage props in DC missions should be changed into either T-72B3 or T-90.
- In the Gulag mission, how (and why) a single VDV appear inside the Gulag (who got bested by Prisoner 627) is unknown.
- In the end of the Only easy day was yesterday mission, US marines are riding on the little bird choppers. But then they are all replaced by TF141 crews in the Gulag mission.
Note: They were finally replaced by TF141 men in the remastered version.
- In the Second Sun mission, Pvt. McCord is the only regular NPC who still alive. In the next mission his surname is changed into Sandler.
- DSM transfer speeds, nuff said (Loose End mission).
- In reality, the abandoned boneyard in Afghanistan was the leftover by Soviet, not US.
- According to the COD Wikia, although the Russian 'Ultranationalist' idolize the Soviet Union out of a sense of national pride, their actual commitment to Communist political and economic ideals are left ambiguous and unknown. But if the Ultranationalist in the new rebooted version had nothing to do with the Soviet ideology at all, then its 'Hammer and Sickle' symbol (as in the original version) should be changed into something more appropriate.

2. Fast paced video game come along with fast paced story line
If they carefully arranged the timeline (extended the story and time gap) the whole game can be separated into 2 parts, for the sake of logic and realism:

Part 1 -> S.S.D.D ~ No Russian, and more additional missions.
1.1) For PFC. Allen - Add more missions to gain more trust for Makarov and his mates (rescue, sabotage, assassination, etc.)
1.2) (optional) Some missions for Roach or Ghost.
1.3) Ramirez - A few or just one mission in Afghanistan, before the Rangers are suddenly transferred back to the US after the No Russian incident.
1.4) Other Makarov goons or just one of them - Attack one or several of the important government places and assassinate the important political rivals during the incident.

Part 2 -> Brazil (Takedown) ~ Ending, extra missions can be included.

3. AIs models and appearances
- Seems like German Shepherd is the only kind of dog that existed in the COD franchise. There should be a change for the dogs in Rio favela missions.
- Lack of variations for the enemy models (faces and uniforms), especially:

3.1) The Brazilian militia/gangsters
- More variations on the uniforms and face models, and about a half of them shouldn't have a well-dressing and military hardware.
Note: In the remastered version, some of the gangsters are now wearing undershirts and shorts. Their variation on shirts have also been slightly increased.

3.2) Ultranationalists and OpFor
- [OPTIONAL] Change Russian VDV camo, and proper uniforms for the Winter Spetsnaz.
- A new model of the VDV sniper, the original one look more like some sort of Taliban sniper.
- More variation on faces models (both unmasked and partially visible ones).

4. I'd considered to be the WORST of all, choice of the WEAPONS for the Campaign/Single Player

In the game, you'll see many AIs are equipping with inappropriate firearms, especially the enemy factions:

4.1) The Russian "Ultranationalist" - This is the finest example for all these messes. Seriously, they made the entire Russia ruled by the "ULTRA"nationalist, but using a large amount of foreign weapons doesn't sounds like they are Ultranationalist at all...
In reality, although Russian officials and military indeed have some foreigners weapons in their arsenal. But they are using them in a FEW amount and it's mainly for personal protection, internal security, and testing.
If you still don't see this is a problem, just imagine if one day some Russian video game devs portrayed the US soldiers to use the customized version of M16A1 as a standard rifle, and others were equipping with firearms manufactured by South American countries, along with 2-3 Russian CQB weapons.

And to prevent the 'out of ammo' problem for the 'starting load out' (western weapons). The players could have ask for an additional ammo from the friendly AIs (similar with Medal of Honor 2010 and War Fighter).

- Russian VDV (paratrooper)
They equipped with a huge amount of NATO firearms (P90, UMP45, FAL), Israeli (TAR-21), AMERICAN (Vector, Striker, Javelin (FGM-148), M107, M67 grenade), also Walmart's AK47 and outdated RPD. The only 'acceptable' weapons are PP2000 (mostly used by police and security forces in real life though), Dragunov, and RPG-7.
What it should be (including the recommended Russian Army soldiers in DC missions):
Pistol & SMG -> MP-443 Grach, PP-19 Bizon, SR-2 Veresk (optional), Vityaz-SN
Rifle/Carbines & Marksman -> either AK-74M or AK-15, AKS-74U (opt), VSS Vintorez, OTs-14 Groza (opt)
Shotgun & LMG -> Saiga-12, either RPK-74M or RPK-16, either PKM or PKP Pecheneg
Sniper & Others -> SV-98 (opt), OSV-96 (replace M107), RPG-7D (optional for paratroopers), either RGD-5 or RGN (Standard grenade), RDG-2 smoke grenade, 9K135 Kornet (replace Javelin)
Acceptable original weapons: PP2000 (opt), Dragunov SVD, RPG-7 (optional for the army only)

- Winter Spetsnaz
They equipped with a gigantic amount of NATO firearms (USP.45, Beretta pistols, G18, P90, MP5K, UMP45, FAMAS, AUG HBAR, SPAS-12, M1014, MG4), Israeli (UZI), American (AA-12, Striker, Vector, M240, Intervention, FIM-92 Stinger, AT4, M67 grenade), and Walmart's AK47. While TMP (MP9) is quite acceptable, but it's only known to be used by FSB in reality.
Pistol & SMG -> MP-443 Grach, PSM pistol (opt), OTs-38 Stechkin (opt), either PP-19 Bizon or PP-90M1, SR-2 Veresk (opt), Vityaz-SN
Rifle/Carbines & Marksman -> either AK-74M or AK-15, AN-94 (opt), either SR-3 Vikhr or 9A-91, ASh-12.7 (opt), OTs-14 Groza (opt)
Shotgun & LMG -> RMB-93, Saiga-12, either RPK-74M or RPK-16, PKP Pecheneg
Sniper & Others -> SV-98 (opt), Dragunov SVU (Bull-pup), either RGD-5 or RGN (Standard grenade), either 9K38 Igla or 9K333 Verba (MANPADS), either RG-6 or GM-94 (both optional), either RPG-30 or 32 (both optional), RDG-2 smoke grenade
Acceptable original weapons: MP9/TMP, PP2000, Dragunov

- FSB and airport security
Equipped with a gigantic amount of NATO firearms (USP.45, M9 Beretta, MP5K, UMP45, F2000, SPAS-12, Plus - P99 pistol in the flashback from MW3), Israeli (TAR-21), and American (M14 EBR that used by airport security snipers, 1911 in the holster of FSB folks, and M18 smoke grenade).
Pistol & SMG -> MP-443 Grach, SR-2 Veresk (opt), Vityaz-SN, PP-2000
Rifle/Carbines & Marksman -> either AK-74M or AK-15, either SR-3 Vikhr or 9A-91, ASh-12.7 (highly recommend), OTs-14 Groza (opt)
Shotgun & Others -> RMB-93, Saiga-12, VKS sniper rifle (opt), Either RDG-2 or non of a smoke grenade equipped at all
Acceptable original weapon: MP9/TMP (actually used by FSB, but should be appeared in a fewer amount)

- Makarov's Mercs (not the airport attackers)
The foreign weapons for this unit is exceptional, but it would make more sense if about a half of the unit equipped with proper Russian weapons also.
And honestly, the extremely rare weapon like WA2000 should be replaced by Dragunov SVU instead.

4.2) OpFor (Al Asad's orphans)
Many of them can be seen running along with high-grade firearms that should be uncommonly and rarely seen in the real life Arabian war zone. However, there is a new clue that Shepherd's Shadow Company might have an involvement in this (but the devs never give us any lore about this, sadly):
About a half or majority of the OpFor men should be equipped with old or outdated firearms, such as: old AK variants (like AKM, AMD-65 and AKMS/AKMSU), G3A3, PKM, Skorpion, Makarov pistol, etc. While the rest can equipped with stolen/captured American (or provided by Shadow company) weapons and assets.
Acceptable original weapon: M9, Mini-Uzi, RPD, RPG-7

4.3) Favela militia/gangsters
Most of them can be seen running along with high-grade firearms that should be uncommonly seen in the real life Rio's favela.
About a half of Favela gangsters should be equipped with old firearms: old AK variants, Beretta M12, old pump-action shotguns (870), old AR-15, some old rifles/carbine, Madsen LMG, etc.
Mix with a normal black synthetic FN FAL, IMBEL MD97L, and some new Russian weapons (provided by Makarov).
In addition, some of the gangster should be equipped with a single pistol (M9/PT92, Desert Eagle, 1911, etc.), and revolver only.
Acceptable original weapon: M9, Desert Eagle, 1887, Ranger, Mini-Uzi, RPD, RPG-7, Dragunov

4.4) US Army Rangers
This faction seems to be OK by overall, except the 'Desert Eagle' that should be removed from this faction. Also, M110 and (optionally) either Mk46 or Mk48 should be included for this faction.

In conclusion

This game is certainly a memorable piece of work and so much fun to play with. But it's also filled with many of unrealistic issues, plot holes, and Hollywood flaws.

Also according to Mr. Act Man (, this is where the franchise began to lose its own identity and turned itself into some (big budget) Hollywood movies. And with my very own opinion, the fact that developers kept on this unnecessary tradition is the main reason why later COD games were getting worse.

To put it simple, despite it was the highest era of the whole franchise, it was also the beginning of their downfall. Before it's finally somehow could be able to redeem itself by the new Rebooted title of the series (still, with quite huge amount of nonsense stuffs however).

That's all, folks! If any one had any disagreement or questions and even more suggestions, please leave it at the comment section. And this topic might be updated later for the new information that could be useful for everyone who interested.

PS. Thanks for ActMan, COD Wikia, IMFDB, Alex D Vasilkov - my Modder friend who has a vast knowledge of firearms, and one Facebook user who I was dealing with for so many interesting information.

PS2. Of course, I'm NOT a hater. All I did is are just a little effort to make the game even more interesting and getting more respect from both of the old and new fans.

PS3. I'll address it again, this topic is for those who really interested in realism and also as an educational case.

Last edited by [SV]FeReise; May 6, 2020 @ 9:48am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
^1Ma ^0Long Apr 13, 2020 @ 5:14am 
When I play a video game, the last thing I look for is realism or logic
[SV]FeReise Apr 13, 2020 @ 6:37am 
Everyone has his own opinion then. This game is very fun to play alright and at first I didn't mind all the mistakes they made. But more time I play it and keep seeing the SAME things in their new games, I decide to change my mind and share my point of view about what could be changed to make the gaming experience even better than before.

Beside, featuring Russia - A real world nation that quite well-known for its 'pride' with their own manufactured weapons... with a gigantic amount of NATO and American weapons seems to be enough for me to point it out as a problem, a kind of problem that should never be existed at the first place.

And like I had mentioned before, this one is 'for those who really interested' in realism. You can check it up again if you like.
Last edited by [SV]FeReise; Apr 15, 2020 @ 4:22am
Alex_D #NoWar Apr 13, 2020 @ 7:13am 
Originally posted by ^1Ma ^0Long:
When I play a video game, the last thing I look for is realism or logic
When you read discussions, the last thing you read is the title or the first paragraphs.
^1Ma ^0Long Apr 13, 2020 @ 7:37am 
Originally posted by Alex_D_Vasilkov:
When you read discussions, the last thing you read is the title or the first paragraphs.
well, it would still be plausible for Russia to declare war on the US after the airport incident. It shows that the CIA knew about the massacre in advance, but didn't bother to tell Russian authorities about it before it happened. your critiques seem well thought out, but just remember it's a video game. they aren't trying to make it super realistic. hopefully you'll like the remastered version.
[SV]FeReise Apr 19, 2020 @ 1:04am 
That'd make some more sense on the CIA involvement part, and sadly that fast-paced story line never provided us more info like this. But seriously, 'it's just a video game' is the main reason why so many people have been looked down on this franchise for several years.

In a matter of fact, I like this game so much and I'm not that serious on realism. But as for this case, it just got too many mistakes, and some of them are utterly unbearable (jeez man, look at the weapon section). Also, many of the mistakes are something could easily be avoided or never existed at the first place. And this topic is intentionally made for those who interested on the realism contents, as I had mentioned.

For the remastered version, I like it for some of the improvement on AI models and animations. But it still have a quite amount of 'disappointment' to be speak of.
Last edited by [SV]FeReise; Apr 19, 2020 @ 1:11am
Bowlfrog Mar 28, 2023 @ 4:45pm 
Necro, but I don't care because Steam needs to make Necro non-issue by now as it is on most social sites. Anyway on to the point. I don't know why people think Call of Duty shouldn't be a hyper-realistic game. It's clearly made to imitate real life, but with a fictional (yet intended to be plausible) storyline. Just because it's a game, doesn't mean it's all just made from nothing.

If it was a game about living with aliens on another planet, then yeah it can be as crazy and unrealistic as the devs want with no problem because it's not something people have a definite knowledge of irl, but this is a game based on the actions of the US and UK militaries which are real things with very serious intent and use. Of course it should be realistic.

Another thing I want to add here is that the nuclear bomb that goes off during Second Sun should kill the soldiers on the ground that the player sees immediately after. Washington D.C. is the impact zone (particularly the White House) and the soldiers are in Washington D.C.. The reasoning on the wiki for it is that the bomb detonated at high-altitude, but if that was the intended altitude for it to detonate (as in it didn't get prematurely detonated by defense systems or cancelation from the origin), then the blast should absolutely kill them. Modern ICBMs can be designed to specifically detonate above the ground so that the blast and radiation can effect a much wider radius in a more devastating blast to maximize the damage. If anything, the fact that it didn't detonate on the ground would be worse for the soldiers, not better.

But of course like every game, movie, and tv show about combat, this game also incorrectly sets the range of shotguns super short even though people regularly use them to hunt birds that fly above them super high, and suppressors make all the weapons magically super quiet even though irl suppressors just reduce the sound to kinda loud instead of really loud.

Another thing that seems kinda strange, but I wouldn't know exactly how to fix it is just how optics work in general in video games like this. In-game, there is no risk of having it zeroed incorrectly or not being at the right position to see through a long scope, and the reflex sights always have the dot in the center.

Irl when using a long scope, you have to have your eye in just the right position or else you just see blackness, and when using a reflex sight, the dot or reticle will move when you move, allowing for easier aiming, but still within a certain range. In other words the dot or reticle in a reflex is not going to be always centered unless you are insanely stable, and even then, you would see it move a bit when switching between aiming and not.

I think one possible fix to this would be for devs to make the player's head bob and sway a bit the same way that the gun currently does this in games, and when that would happen, the sight would change what's visible as it would irl. This could simulate accuracy difficulty and effectively replace the current "spread" of rifled weapons (a false concept for game balancing, based on what shotguns do, but on a different scale).

I found another design flaw. The presidential bunker in Whiskey Hotel is maybe two feet deep under the ground. They would bury it so much deeper than that to both keep it hidden and keep it protected from bombs. If it's right under the ground, it can be damaged a lot easier, which ruins the point.
Last edited by Bowlfrog; Mar 28, 2023 @ 5:34pm
mirHL Sep 2, 2023 @ 8:52am 
Originally posted by ^1Ma ^0Long:
When I play a video game, the last thing I look for is realism or logic
Which is just sad, considering what they add.
Yes, even if you haven't been a soldier irl, and even if you couldn't care less about real warfare.
You still do feel their impact, even if your suspension of disbelief doesn't outright collapse.

You should clearly take some artistic license if complete verisimilitude would compromise on fun or smoothness, but OP is spot on with most things.
Like, put aside the cheap premise (russia invades murica) or the very little details (which conversely would be basically effortless to fix), I have always been feeling somewhat uneasy about "no russian" for the better part of these 14 years.

And no, it wasn't the gruesomeness (which is kind of consequential to the plan), or the fact that you spawn there disoriented after two missions that couldn't be more different.
It's this dreadful feeling that somehow WW3 would start with the snap of a finger, just for the framing/misunderstanding of a single event (of the caliber of Shrek overhearing about Fiona's true love intentions, or when DBZ characters just cannot be helped into going punches first and questions later).

Of course wars have been started for even more puerile/pointless reasons (especially when certain leaders are desperate to achieve the rally 'round the flag effect) but then this becomes more of a comfy excuse than a legit casus belli.
(in fact, the most likely hypothesis on day one should have been a russian false flag)

It's not like you have this sort of explicit thoughts while you are playing, but it's hypocritical to pretend that the explanations you are provided to get the plot moving and motivated don't matter (go play doom otherwise).
And this kind of haphazard logic could be as well replaced by "magic aliens said so".

p.s. there is also hardly more fun and personal involvement than when a game immerses you into a coherent world with stakes
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Date Posted: Apr 13, 2020 @ 4:44am
Posts: 8