• 11Jun

    Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit & The Story So Far

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    Hi Scouts! Now that we’ve announced the imminent launch of Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit on June 25th, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about some of the things we hoped to accomplish in this sequel, what this game means to Spry Fox, and what it’s been like developing this within Netflix.

    What’s interesting about this sequel?

    As I mentioned way back when we first announced the development of a Cozy Grove sequel, the original Cozy Grove was not architected in a way that made it easy to add new locations to the game, or new bears over time. This, for example, made it difficult to add a second island or to add interior spaces aside from the Scout’s tent. In fact, as CG1 players crammed ever more decorations, plants, and animals into their islands (sometimes in ways we didn’t expect), merely maintaining the performance of the game as-is was proving to be very challenging. So Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit has been extensively overhauled, and as a result, loading times are improved, some bears now have their own homes you can visit the inside of, and the main island is not the only island in the game!

    It probably goes without saying, but Camp Spirit also features all-new bears and stories, all of which take advantage of the many lessons we as a studio learned from working on the original game. We can’t wait to hear what you think of this new cohort of wonderful and bizarre characters. Camp Spirit has a ton of other new features and improvements as well. The complete list would be quite long, but here are a few of my personal favorites:

    • Companion animals who follow you around, send you amusing letters, and even have useful skills that you can activate.
    • New activity: powerwashing – cleaning away the grime feels so satisfying.
    • New “Quality of Life” improvements that make it easier to find and identify the items you need, when you need them.
    • Many design tweaks that make the game more enjoyable (for example, more abundant and affordable backpack storage).
    • Bear landmarks that visibly evolve alongside a bear as you help them along their personal journey.
    • The ability to add your fellow players as members of your scout troop, and to send/receive gifts from them.
    • New “flashback” system, enabling bears to more vividly tell stories about their past lives.

    What does this sequel mean to Spry Fox?

    The original Cozy Grove holds a special place in all our hearts. We have made many games over the years, some of which ended up being quite popular (I’m thinking especially about Triple Town and Alphabear.) But this is the first game of ours that seems to have really touched players’ hearts. It was incredibly gratifying to us to read all the comments saying how much our bears and their stories meant to our community. And it was equally wonderful to hear from so many people who told us that Cozy Grove was a reliable, relaxing antidote to the difficulties in their lives.

    We have always wanted our games to be a positive force in people’s lives. That’s why we decided on the motto “Making Happiness” when we founded the studio back in 2010. I think, or at least I hope, that we’ve made a lot of people happy in the 14 years since we started Spry Fox. But until Cozy Grove, I’m not sure we ever got beyond “I’m having fun playing this game”-style happiness. To be very clear, I think it’s a noble thing to entertain people – “I’m having fun” is more than good enough! But, now we know that we can go farther. We can make people feel seen. We can take them on a journey that they care about. AND yes, we can relax and entertain them, too! And maybe, as we continue to sharpen our focus on real-world in-game friendships, we can bring people closer together.

    That’s what Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit means to us. It’s our humble attempt to leave the world a little bit better than we found it. We really hope that you enjoy it. 

    What’s it like developing this game within Netflix?

    In all honesty, being part of Netflix has been a huge relief for us. As you may or may not be aware, starting sometime around 2022, the video game industry was taking a very serious turn for the worse (economically-speaking). Our industry has been experiencing its most serious downturn in decades. All around us, studios are doing layoffs or, worse, shutting down entirely. To call this “dispiriting” would be a severe understatement… we have been very worried about our friends in the industry.

    Meanwhile, Netflix has given Spry Fox more support and encouragement than we’ve ever experienced before. We now have the resources to make the games we want to make, on the timetable we want to make them, with very few compromises. And speaking of “compromises”… we don’t need to put advertisements or in-app purchases in our games! This is wonderful because, over the years, we never stopped struggling with how to ethically monetize our mobile games while also surviving as a studio. It was always a painful, time-consuming process that ate up a shockingly large percentage of our development time and energy. Now, we can put all that energy into simply making our games as good as they can be. If you’ve never made a free-to-play mobile game before, you cannot imagine how wonderful this feels for us.

    After we decided that we wanted to make a sequel to Cozy Grove, we pitched the idea to some folks whose financial support we would need in order to get the game made. None were interested in supporting our vision for what we felt this game should be. So I can also say that if it weren’t for Netflix, Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit would probably not exist. We are so grateful that it does!

    How do we think about the future of Camp Spirit?

    It depends on things I can’t quite predict, like what exactly will people love (and not love) about the game! I can tell you that we’re excited to hear what everyone thinks about Camp Spirit and to spend some time post-launch doing updates that address common feedback from our community. It’s very rewarding to launch a game that many people enjoy, but it’s even more rewarding to know and deliver exactly what people want, because they’re telling you directly. 🙂 Speaking of: if you’re not already a member of our Discord or Reddit communities, please join! 

    There’s also no shortage (as there never is) of features and polish ideas we’ve dreamed up but not had time to implement yet, and we’ll be looking for opportunities to tackle some more of that. And last but not least, we have seen a bunch of comments from some of our Cozy Grove fans about wanting Camp Spirit to be available on more platforms. We hear you, we share your desire, and while we don’t have plans beyond mobile to share at this moment, we will keep you updated on this in the future.

    What’s next for Spry Fox?

    Like I said before, we’re already planning some solid updates for Camp Spirit! Otherwise, we’re just going to keep making new, original games. 🙂  It’s been 14 (!!) years since we started this studio, and I hope that 14 years from now, we’re still talking about our jobs the exact same way… concentrating on making original games that bring you happiness.

    Warm regard,

    David (aka Chedd), and all the Spry Foxes

  • 31Oct

    Spry Fox is joining Netflix!

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    Not going to bury the lede: It’s our great pleasure to announce that Spry Fox is joining Netflix, where we will become the sixth in-house games studio!

    What does this mean for Spry Fox? It means:

    • We can continue making the games that we were already making and wanted to make, but with more support and resources to make those games better and bring them to more people around the world.
    • We can stop stressing about how our games generate profit on our games and instead focus exclusively on making them as enjoyable and fulfilling to our players as possible.
    • We can collaborate with other creative people within Netflix to hopefully get better at what we do and how we do it.

    And what does this mean for our existing games? They’ll remain downloadable and available in their current forms on their current platforms. What about development efforts on new games? Everyone at Spry Fox was already focused on making Cozy Grove 2 as well as a larger, non-violent MMO that we still haven’t revealed much about publicly, and that is still the case. So there’s no change in our current development efforts.

    Real talk: we’ve been at this for almost 13 years. It’s been exhilarating, humbling, endlessly interesting and often challenging. We’ve always known that above all else, we wanted our games to bring people happiness. But in other ways, it feels like we only recently figured out what “we want to be when we grow up.” What has become clear over the course of all of our adventures: We are a studio that builds original, world-class cozy games. Especially games that bring people together. And we are confident that Netflix is going to help us do that.

    Thank you to everyone – our fans, our partners, and especially every single one of our past and present team members – who helped us reach this milestone. We remain ever grateful.

    All the Spry Foxes

  • 09Jun

    We’re making Cozy Grove 2!

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    Hi Scouts! As most of you know, it’s been over a year since we first launched Cozy Grove. Since that time, we’ve released dozens of minor updates as well as four major updates, all of which were free, not including the recent New Neighbears DLC which we also released. It would take dozens of pages to summarize all the changes and improvements in those free updates, but here’s a brief summary of some of the bigger items:

  • 09Apr

    NOTE: We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

    Spry Fox is looking for a lead engineer, experienced with working in Unity, to help us develop a new cozy game! Note: we intentionally keep our teams as small and as experienced as we can, while sticking to a 40 hour work week and avoiding crunch, because we believe small teams accomplish more and are more pleasant to be a part of. This means that you’ll definitely be rolling up your sleeves and writing code alongside all the other engineers at all times, but you’ll also be sharing your wisdom and helping solve our hardest technical problems on a team-wide basis.

    Position requirements. You must:

    • Have at least five full years of professional game development experience, and preferably more
    • Experience shipping at least one commercial games using Unity, and preferably more
    • Be very comfortable working remotely (we’re a virtual studio; everyone works from home!)
    • Speak and write fluently in English
    • Live in a US-adjacent timezone or be willing to work from 10am-2pm PST Monday through Thursday
    • Want to make the world a better place

    While not required, it would be nice if you also:

    • Have any backend (i.e. multiplayer/server) development experience
    • Have interests outside of game development
    • Have shipped several games in your professional career

    What are we offering?

  • 06Mar

    NOTE: We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

    We’re looking for a writer who will work alongside our studio’s leadership to flesh out the narrative and write the characters for one of our upcoming nonviolent games. Like Cozy Grove, the story of this new game will be a critical part of what makes it memorable and impactful. And like Cozy Grove, this game will serve a wide audience that includes adults of all ages, and our narrative will not shy away from challenging topics.

    For this position, we are requiring that candidates have written for at least one shipped, commercial video game or tabletop game, and preferably more. This is not a junior position.

    We welcome candidates from anywhere in the Americas, Europe and Africa (timezone-wise, these locations have proven workable for our studio in the past.) Please note that our studio’s “core hours” are 10am to 2pm Pacific Time, so if you’re based in Europe or Africa, working for several hours during your evening will be a requirement of this position.

  • 21Feb

    NOTE: We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

    We’re looking for a designer to help lead the team working on one of our original, cozy games. As a Game Designer at Spry Fox, you will plan, design, iterate and improve the player experience in our games. You’ll create new non-violent activities, events, quests, narrative moments and joyful secrets. You’ll plan new updates and help set the vision for the player’s long-term journey.

    For this position, we are requiring 4+ years of professional game design work experience on at least 1 commercially-shipped title. This is not a junior position.

    We welcome candidates from anywhere in the Americas, Europe and Africa (timezone-wise, these locations have proven workable for our studio in the past.)

  • 22Nov

    We’re Hiring: 3D Environment Artist

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    NOTE: This position has been filled. We are no longer hiring.

    We’re looking for a Environment Artist who can create vibrant and clean environment assets for a 3rd person, non-violent MMO. You’ll be responsible for creating models and materials for props, buildings, and world assets.

    SC Teaser Image


    • Authoring high quality, appealing environment models for use in a procedurally generated and modularly built world
    • Collaborating with Art Direction to work on cel-shaded, non-PBR assets. A willingness to work with texturing techniques not standard to the industry
    • Implementing your assets into UE4
    • Working with Art Lead to help identify necessary workflow and pipeline improvements
    • Working with designers and developers on a small team to make sure a breadth of content is optimized for performance on multiple platforms
  • 04Oct

    NOTE: This position has been filled. We are no longer hiring.

    In Spry Fox, we think of producers first and foremost as people who facilitate communication between other members of the team and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Producers also help identify exciting opportunities that the team might be overlooking as well as dangerous risks that might be going unappreciated. And last but not least, producers help ensure that we’re not dropping any important balls. Great communication and organizational skills, empathy for others, and an ability to remain and to spread calm are all highly appreciated in this position. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you!

    Requirements (mandatory)

    • You’ve shipped at least one commercial video game as a producer.
    • Strong communication skills that will help you succeed in a remote team environment.
    • Well-developed empathy that helps you connect with your peers across disciplines, relate to our customers, and display mature conflict resolution.
    • You must live within three hours of the Pacific timezone.
  • 21Sep

    We’re Hiring! 3D Character Artist

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    NOTE: This position has been filled. We are no longer hiring.

    We’re looking for a Character Artist who can create vibrant and clean character assets for a 3rd person, non-violent MMO. You’ll be responsible for creating models and materials for player characters, their clothing, wildlife, and creatures for a pro-social, stylized, multiplayer game.


    • Authoring character models for customizable avatars, clothing, NPCs, and creatures both mundane and imaginative
    • Collaborating with Art Direction to work on cel-shaded, non-PBR assets.
    • Implementing your asset into UE4.
    • Working with Art Lead to help identify necessary workflow and pipeline improvements.
    • Working with Animators and developers on a relatively small team (for an MMO) to make sure that content is optimized for performance on multiple platforms.
  • 24Aug

    Hi Scouts!

    The major Fall update for Cozy Grove is now live!

    We had a few goals for this update: tackle some of the more challenging feature requests that the community has been asking for, add content to some of the systems that we think are currently underutilized in the game, add at least one major new activity, and last but not least, add a special Fall limited-time event!

  • 08Jun

    Cozy Grove Summer Update (#2)

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    (Note: if you haven’t already read it, please first read Summer Update #1, which includes lots of important information about new features that we won’t repeat here.)

    Hey Scouts! It’s time to tell you more about what you can expect from the Summer Update. Let’s kick this off with yet another entirely new feature: Stone Skipping! (WIP – audio and vfx are still being finalized)

    Every day, a limited number of mysterious, open-mouthed clamshells will reveal themselves beyond the shore. Find yourself a nice, flat skipping stone, toss it across the water into the clam, and rewards await you!

    Amazingly, these clams are as appreciative of a skillful, many-skip stone toss as we humans, and will more generously reward scouts who manage to sneak in a few extra skips before hitting their target. Different-colored clams give different rewards; some give quartz, some cough up driftwood, and some will reward you with both of those things simultaneously. And on very rare occasion, even better rewards may emerge for a particularly generous clam.

    For those of you who’ve unlocked a certain beach-loving character, you’ll be pleased to note that her recurring quest will no longer involve finding skipping stones, and will instead involve actually skipping stones. 😀

  • 03Jun

    Cozy Grove Summer Update (#1)

    Written by //Cozy Grove//Comments Off on Cozy Grove Summer Update (#1)

    Hey, fellow Scouts. It feels like just yesterday that we launched Cozy Grove on all platforms, and yet somehow Summer is almost upon us. And with Summer comes something very exciting – our first major (totally free) update to Cozy Grove! While dishing out bugfixes and QoL improvements, we’ve also been quietly working on a bunch of new content and features for you. We’ll be steadily parceling out most of this new content into Beta in the days ahead, and when we’re about to unveil something in Beta I’ll write a little blog post about it, like this. 🙂

    New feature: Critter-catching (WIP)

    Warm weather always brings the critters out, right? Summer felt like the perfect time to introduce critter-catching to Cozy Grove. A whole assortment of crawling and flying critters (with seasonal variation, of course) will now populate the item. You can buy a net from Mr. Kit to catch them – like the fishing rod, it will never break, and like fish, critters will spawn semi-continuously. Mr. Kit is fond of critters and will pay a reasonable amount for any that you catch, and some of the bears will express interest in critters from time to time as well. And of course, they’re collectible!

    Different critters behave differently, and rarer critters are somewhat harder to catch. Happy hunting!

  • 20Apr

    We’re hiring! Shader Technical Artist

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    We’re looking for a highly skilled Unreal Shader Technical Artist that can bridge the gap between Art and Engineering. This is a key role in developing the unique artistic style of our game. Extensive knowledge of shading, lighting, rendering, and post processing is required, as well as a strong understanding of the 3D-graphics pipeline and a keen eye for aesthetics and best art practices.

  • 02Feb

    Spry Fox is looking for a 3D Art Lead to help us work on a new, original game — a stylized, joyful and non-violent MMO project!

    Our 3d Art Lead will be a key role, bridging the gap between Engineering, Design and Art. We are looking for a talented, multi-disciplinary 3d artist who loves to dive into the organizational and technical side of things, and strives to find systemic and scalable solutions to keep the team moving. You will establish and maintain our art pipelines and processes while helping drive key visuals in the game. You will need to be very comfortable with all the technical and creative aspects of art production.

  • 04Sep

    We are delighted to announce that Alphabear 2 is available worldwide as of today! 🙂

    The first Alphabear – a quirky English word puzzle game, for those of you who haven’t played it – was an award-winning and relatively popular game. It has been downloaded well over five million times. Our new sequel is bigger and better in every way. It has a full narrative, several new modes, a new Avatar system (yes, you can finally *be* a bear, not just play with bears), new dictionary tools (featuring Merriam-Webster), greatly enhanced “bear speech”, and more!
