hey, neat!
“When [Ken’s] eyes had regained their focus, there he stood, the pale ghost of vengeance, his unbound hair a dark halo around his ashen face. His eyes, as always, seeking above all to understand, as if the world had somehow wronged him. -...

When [Ken’s] eyes had regained their focus, there he stood, the pale ghost of vengeance, his unbound hair a dark halo around his ashen face. His eyes, as always, seeking above all to understand, as if the world had somehow wronged him. - @pharawee

A scene from our rp in which Big and Ken both live and have to deal with … that

» you can now read it on ao3! ✨

posted 2 years ago & 843 notes
#and then also kiss maybe idk I don't make the rules #kinnporsche #kinnporsche the series #kinnporsche fanart #kinnporsche big #kinnporsche ken #(sort of) #rp #stuff and things #userpharawee #anyway this part just kind of struck a chord with me #jane: writes literally anything at all #me: falls in love all over again #kenbig #big kinnporsche #ken kinnporsche #bl tag
Anonymous said:

Nodt Heatstroke trend just dropped........ Did you manifest this orrrrrr 👀💅❤️😂


hehe 😏 I wish I had that kind of power lmao but I did yell out loud when I saw it earlier. It felt like a targeted post aimed at me specifically :’D

Funnily enough I was already thinking about doing a Big heatstroke thing so now I feel like I really have no excuse not to do it. That stupid hat compells me

answered 5 hours ago & 20 notes
#he's forcing my hand there's nothing I can do. unfortunately. #replies #anon #I'm DELIGHTED that it made you think of me though lmao thank you #maybe it was all of us who manifested it. together we are truly unstoppable #nodt nutthasid
posted 1 week ago & 383 notes
#project hadea #interactive fiction #orion #userpharawee #oh look it's another art bandwagon for me to jump on ages after it made the rounds lol #also shoutout to d for kickstarting my latest bout of hadea brainrot #it's been simmering in the background for a bit now #I wish I wasn't too busy to replay it because I really really want to hhh
Creator vs Creation

I was tagged by @uldren-sov and @kruk-art thank you both!! <3


>>> picrew <<<

Since it’s almost dnd o'clock again I chose my boy Nian and uhh … close enough ig lmao he punched a bunch of gnolls last time and everyone lived to tell the tale so why wouldn’t he show off his bandages!!

Anyway idk who has or hasn’t done this yet so as always feel free to ignore this but I’m tagging @lydiaalin @riessene @hoiist @kinnbig @laesas and apparently that’s all the people you can @ in one post now?? so I’m also tagging YOU if you’re reading this and really want to do it, consider this your tag :D

posted 2 weeks ago & 33 notes
#tag game #picrew #nian #I wish they had more skin colours in the picrew because this is really not accurate at all #and it was light blue before I went and at least desaturated it a little in post lol #anyway WHAT or WHO will he punch next!! I will find out in about an hour hhh

Porsche take the wheel

posted 3 weeks ago & 807 notes
#kinnporsche #kenbig #kinnporsche the series #kinnporsche fanart #ken kinnporsche #big kinnporsche #porsche pachara #bl tag #userpharawee #userdarcey #I was going to draw this with kinn x porsche and then big having to drive #but. he wouldn't sit in the back so that didn't make sense #plus. I mean #kenbig would. #just to get out of having to chauffeur porsche around

doodled my cadash and hawke (+ bonus anders)

posted 4 weeks ago & 1,299 notes
#dragon age #cadash #hawke #anders #inquisitor cadash #jasper cadash #avery hawke #da2 #dai #userpharawee #I really don't like how anders turned out so I just slapped him on here with the rest of them lol #but looking at them all together like this ... this is just cheekbone central isn't it

old man varric

posted 1 month ago & 3,512 notes
#dragon age #the veilguard #dragon age 4 #dragon age the veilguard #varric tethras #da4 #userpharawee #I had to watch the gameplay reveal on mute #and with several aNNOYING customer interruptions because I was at work #so I'll have to watch it again in a second but #hoooo we're so back hello

a quick sketchy screenshot redraw because I am excited now

posted 1 month ago & 5,408 notes
#dragon age #the veilguard #dragon age 4 #dragon age veilguard #dragon age the veilguard #da4 #davrin #grey warden #userpharawee #wasn't sure I would be but here I am

this thing has been making the rounds on twitter and I just couldn’t resist

posted 1 month ago & 250 notes
#kenbig #kinnporsche #kinnporsche the series #ken kinnporsche #big kinnporsche #bl tag #nodt nutthasid #perth nakhun #userpharawee #userdarcey #I forgot how to art lol cool cool cool #can the summer just be over already #also my unpopular hc is that big doesn't smoke and rarely drinks but whatever he's doing it for the meme

when in doubt, meme

posted 2 months ago & 1,610 notes
#word of honor #wenzhou #zhou zishu #wen kexing #山河令 #shan he ling #tian ya ke #faraway wanderers #danmei tag #userpharawee #I just miss them a lot :(

light of kshahrewar ✨

posted 2 months ago & 97 notes
#genshin impact #kaveh #genshin kaveh #genshin fanart #stuff and things #userpharawee #sorry for the absence and lack of. well. anything really #I swear I'm still here it's just #I am once again stuck in capitalist Hell over the summer so my creativity is being drained one customer at a time #and oh my god there are sO MANY CUSTOMERS #it's only been a few weeks and I'm already utterly exhausted lol #but I finally managed to get some doodling in after not drawing for what feels like forever T_T #it's not much and it's not what most of you are here for but it is what it is
Anonymous said:

Scrolled too fast and thought the drawing of Nash and Orion was Ken and Big kinnporsche but where Ken was stretching in a crop top and booty shorts and like Big was looking on disapprovingly. alternate universe ft the bodyguard outfits of my dreams tbh

lmaooo thank you + bless you for putting that mental image in my head (and giving me an excuse to put it out there because of course I had to doodle that)


bonus: reminder that I drew this ages ago

answered 3 months ago & 48 notes
#I was going to colour it too but ehh ain't nobody got time for that #kinnporsche #kinnporsche fanart #ken kinnporsche #bl tag #userpharawee #userdarcey #replies #anon #anyway.

idk I just immediately thought of Them when I saw this lmao 😎

posted 3 months ago & 126 notes
#kenbig #kinnporsche #kinnporsche the series #ken kinnporsche #big kinnporsche #bl tag #userpharawee #userdarcey #ok with like 2 minutes and a single braincell I could probably come up with a funnier photo for big #or maybe he'd just use the theerapanyakul crest or something #he'd be boring like that #but I couldn't be bothered so this is good enough lol #now what would ken's photo be hmmmm ... a gym selfie #anyway. I promise there'll be proper art one of these days
Anonymous said:

Play Hatred. It's a murder simulator game where you become the homicidal and nihilistic edgelord you always dream of as a kid.

Anon idk what made you send me this and I do appreciate the sentiment but I’m gonna be real with you here, with everything going on rn I feel like I very much need whatever the opposite of this is lol

Like a peace and love on planet Earth simulator

answered 3 months ago & 26 notes
#or you know. therapy #replies #anon