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New GraphQL product APIs that support up to 2000 variants now available in 2024-04


Effective April 01, 2024

As of 2024-04, new GraphQL product APIs are now available in stable release.

These new APIs increase per-product variant support from our historical max of 100 to a new limit of 2000.

In addition to higher variant support, you can use the product option mutations to manage options and option values on your products. You can also query for your product's productOptions and your product variants' optionValues.

Learn more about the new product and option value GraphQL APIs on

Also included in this stable release, you can use the productSet mutation to set the entire state of a product from an external data source into Shopify, in addition to the existing mutations for adding/deleting/updating individual variants.

Learn more about the new productSet GraphQL API on

See our guide to sync product data from an external source for more information.

With the 2024-04 API release, we will also be deprecating management of both variants and options via the GraphQL ProductInput object and the /products and /variants REST API endpoints. Learn more here.