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Hydrogen updates: Tool that make your path to production painless


Effective January 31, 2024

With the latest release, Hydrogen and Oxygen make the path to production more seamless than ever. We’ve added new developer tools so you can more easily debug and optimize your build before you deploy:

  • Subrequest profiler: get a more detailed look at what’s happening inside your Remix loaders — identify query waterfalls, inefficient API calls, and suboptimal caching behavior.
  • Error console: stack-trace errors back to your source code, right from the Shopify admin, so you can get right to the fix.
  • CLI deploys: Deploying to Oxygen is easier than ever. Run the new deploy command to create deployments from your local dev environment, or build your own CI/CD processes on any platform.
  • End-to-end testing support: Automatically and securely run E2E tools like Playwright or Cypress on every Oxygen deployment with our new E2E testing tokens.
  • Shareable storefront previews: Share progress with colleagues and stakeholders — even if they don’t have access to your Shopify Admin — with our new revocable, token-based shareable links.
  • Runtime mirroring: Hydrogen’s development server runtime is now nearly identical to production Oxygen, and now serves assets from a separate domain to better replicate how Shopify’s CDN works.
  • Bundle insights: analyze your worker bundle file to find bloated dependencies, optimize your bundle size, and reduce cold start times, so your app stays fast over time.
  • CLI upgrade command: Stay up-to-date with the latest version of Hydrogen and Remix with h2 upgrade command from your CLI. Your project’s critical dependencies will all be updated to the latest version, along with a custom migration guide.
  • It’s easier than ever to learn Hydrogen, with our refreshed docs, and a new suite of examples.

Learn more about our latest release in detail.