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Deprecation Notice: Country and Province Endpoints in Admin REST API


Effective July 01, 2024

Action required

Changelog: Deprecation Notice for Country and Province Endpoints

Version: 2024-07

We are deprecating all endpoints in the Country and Province sets of our REST API. Please review the changes below:

Deprecated Country Endpoints

Effective version 2024-07, the following Country endpoints will be deprecated:

  • POST /admin/api/<version>/countries.json
  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries.json
  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}.json
  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries/count.json
  • PUT /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}.json
  • DELETE /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}.json

Replacement for Listing All Countries

Use the Storefront API endpoint to list all countries: - GET Localization Available Countries

Deprecated Province Endpoints

Effective version 2024-07, the following Province endpoints will be deprecated:

  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}/provinces.json
  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}/provinces/{province_id}.json
  • GET /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}/provinces/count.json
  • PUT /admin/api/<version>/countries/{country_id}/provinces/{province_id}.json

No Replacements for Province Endpoints

There are no replacements for the Province endpoints. Please adjust your integrations accordingly.

Action Required

Update your applications to accommodate these changes before the deprecation date. For listing countries, transition to the recommended Storefront GraphQL API endpoint.

To setup the Storefront API, you can view our documentation for more information.

For questions or assistance, contact our support team.