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Coming soon: New way to deploy app configuration using Shopify CLI


Effective January 31, 2024

Action required

An upcoming release affects the app configuration deployment process using Shopify CLI, which includes breaking changes that require your attention.

Effective January 31, 2024, we're introducing an improved way to release your app configuration and extensions together using the shopify app deploy command. With this update, you can version and roll back changes to your app configuration as part of app versions!

Upcoming Breaking Change Details: The Shopify CLI shopify app config push command will no longer be supported in any CLI version. Instead, you should use the shopify app deploy command to release your app configurations and extensions.

Next steps starting January 31, 2024:

  • Developers using shopify app config push to release app configuration need to update to the latest Shopify CLI version and use shopify app deploy instead.
  • Developers using shopify app config push in CI/CD workflows need to update their deployment scripts to remove this command.

Detailed migration instructions will be provided in app configuration documentation at the time of release on January 31.