Nanoforce...the return

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Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

Hi everyone...

I'm working back on my second project..... with the shmup creator (great tool) as a beta tester ...

The gameplay changed but not the story or visuals...i kept all the asset and created new ones...
Nanoforce will be a r-type/thunderforce like with some manic shooters elements during specific phases....


A full power ship equiped with a four weapon set .... there are four weapon set so the player can switch between collecting corresponding bonus...


You are an employee of the nanoforce corporation, you are trying to save a dying female elite pilot...nanoforce corp is working for rich people, politics or even other societies...all for money... The woman hold the secrets to save the world (another virus bastard from outher space) ...but when money, politic and lies are involved...
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

the "fleet"

and one little video (stg 4)
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

little video (stg 1) :

The other levels are almost finished (except for the two last the 6th and 7th) .

Nothing to do with the corona, this project has begun 10 years ago.

I know there are not so much bullets in this first level, i want a crescendo . there will be bonus (points /weapon/lives) hidden in background, and sometimes in events (kill or spare an ennemy or a group in particular will drop an item)
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Ark »

I was watching stage 1. I think the amount of action is fine. The effects are nice.
How are your weapons switching, I haven't notice what weapon your are switching back and forth to.
Love the variety.

Nice to see some character elements in the game. The animation are nice, gives a fluid feel to the environment.
Overall solid design. May I ask, what artstyle you going for, and from what games? May want to have a warning
when enemies are coming from behind and up top.
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »


There will be four weapons at the begining with the set "graspers" ......"one button one shot" but the "graspers" set is not alone, by collecting items, all the arsenal changes :

-needle drivers (electric)
-tissue distruptor (laser and flame based)
-retractors (laser and homing laser based)
-cranial drills
-macro (macross based set)
-defibrilator (charge based set )

each of them are composed with four weapons

Image with armor bonus and points, like the "YACE" or "Hobbie".

Warnings about ennemies, i agree with that, this is a good idea but no, i want to create a "pressure" upon the player . the other reason is that there are no power up, the player will be able to finish the game with the base set (the one after respawn) the other reason is there are no warnings in thunderforce or rtype :D
Nanoforce is a mix between thunderforce, rtype and axelay....

I'm a huge thunderforce and rtype fan but i wanted to create my own universe (and assets, graphx, music etc...

Thanks for the nice comments !
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Ark »

Thank you for the breakdown.
I also enjoyed Thunder force 3 and 4. I swear there was a warning signs in
Thunderforce 6, but Hey, that was probably the least popular one. I can diffidently see the
R-type influence.

I do like the idea of keeping the pressure on the player, you never want the
player to get complacent in a Shmup. I look forward to this world you got going.
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

yeah the 6th for me, was quite a disappointment... level design is not that bad but perspectives (the clouds in the water level :shock: ) suck....and the soundtrack is not up to the task... "hyakutaro tskumo is missing"... not a bad game but a bad thunderforce...
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »


stage 3 updated !

And here for a video (but without the fleshy background) :
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by BPzeBanshee »

Just wanted to drop my five cents in to show support for a long term dev who's clearly learnt a helluva lot compared to 10 years ago. Sorry I didn't post sooner. The artistry is better and you clearly have better concept of size ratios as far as player/bullets/enemies goes, and I look forward to one day seeing the finished product.

I've seen and heard good things about Shmup Creator as well. Always fascinating to see alternative environments. Hopefully it has the infrastructure to support what you're trying to do with an accessible ease that Game Maker Studio 1.4 did not provide.

On the subject of boss warnings, TF3 has a very simple warning display: it scrolls the word "WARNING!" across the screen. You hear it well before you see it though thanks to the siren effect. I'd recommend *something* visual to go along with an audio-based one to accommodate for deaf/people playing the game muted, but how elaborate you go with it is obviously at your discretion.
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

thanks a lot, yeah Nanoforce (tactical surgeron fighter) has reborn with shmupcreator, a great tool simple to use and strong enough to make great shmups (i think) .

Nanoforce is almost finished and i hope the gameplay will enjoy players.... (almost finished, five levels are finished, remains the 6th and the last boss)

About the warning picture will appears on screen like this with a big alarm sound :


Letters will flash slightly in a short looping animation.
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

Hi all, "Nanoforce tactical surgeon fighter" demo is aviable here :
Stage, 1, 2 and 3 are playable, the game is hard but nothing is impossible.

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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

Hi ALL !

Nanoforce evolved a lot since, the game is almost complete.

There are
-7 levels with two hidden stages
-three game modes, arcade, story and green
-multiple endings

The story mode let the player discover the plot with ingame character dialogues and "cinematic events"
The arcade mode erase all the story feature, add some ennemies....
the green mode is a variation of the arcade, when you collect green items you unleash a sort of hyper with a specific multidirectional weapon, the gauge is decreasing BUT when you hit an ennemy it create a weaker item that increase a little the gauge, of course each collected item = points !


And here for the video : ... 2g&index=2

The game needs some balancing and the creation of new weapons.
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

Hello there
I share with you the 4th level :

The game is finished :

-3 game modes, arcade/story/green
-7 stages, two secrets levels and several endings possible
-8 set of 4 weapons (32 different weapons) you pickup a bonus it changes the whole set
-old school but with some bullet hell elements
-reactive gameplay with secrets ennemies/bonus and even mid bosses

It will be sold on steam when the time will come !

A game created with passion for anime, sci fi and inspired by thunderforce, axelay (and somehow radiant silvergun) and many others.

-Playing the story mode, will set characters interventions and "cinematic" real time story elements.
-The arcade mode will erase all conversations, the level design will be revamped in several sections.
-Green mode is an arcade variation with an hyper mode and more scoring options and (green) items to collect.


Created using shmup creator, .

Soon on steam !
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Ark »

Congratulations on the completion of your project!
That is an amazing achievement.
I look forward to your game.
We have some similar influences. :D
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

I hope people to have fun....
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Re: Nanoforce...the return

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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

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Re: Nanoforce...the return

Post by Alec44 »

Hi to all!

I'm proud (and upset at the same time) to launch Nanoforce tactical surgeon fighter on steam (9.99 usd) at the end of this sunday.

3 years! It has changed so many times (rebirth with the shmupcreator) I tried to mix up thunderforce series, R-type, axelay and many other shmups I enjoyed as a kid (I still play them frequently) I really hope players will have fun !

Thanks !
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