
Enhanced security for election-related Google Accounts

Google is making an effort to further protect election-related Google Accounts that are at a high risk of attacks. If you feel you or people you work with may be at risk, submit your Google Account email addresses for enhanced security.

The email addresses you submit in this form must be associated with a Google Account, including Gmail and Google Workspace. Any Google Account addresses submitted here may be monitored by Google for active threats against suspicious activity, including hacking and phishing. Google may also activate elevated levels of protection automatically to keep these accounts secure for the duration of the relevant election.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I am enrolled in the Advanced Protection Program. Should I submit my account for this?
Yes. Google’s Advanced Protection Program safeguards accounts by applying Google’s strongest security features. These always-on protections will complement the in-the-moment threat detection and protective responses provided during the election season for Google Accounts submitted through this form.

What types of Google Accounts should I submit?
Please submit Google Accounts of yourself and people you work with who may be at risk. This may include Google Workspace and personal accounts of employees, staff or family members.

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