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To finish a level, or complete a mission, can take time, a few attempts and a little research on how to overcome that final boss. Understanding mental health is no different; no one can be an expert straight away, and it’s right to find out more information before diving in.

The teams within the games industry are made up of incredible people, creating incredible worlds used by millions. But our industry can see a higher rate of those working and living through mental health issues. It’s vital that companies understand the impact this can have, and how to better support their teams. There is clear evidence that shows the most successful employers introduce a positive culture around mental health at work (visit our Level Up page to learn more). This type of culture includes an openness to discussion of mental ill health, free of stigma; policies and processes in place to support individuals who are struggling; and clear signposting to relevant external support. It’s not that difficult to introduce such steps with the right training.

Safe In Our World has developed workshops covering some of the most common issues seen across the global games industry, as well as partnering with trusted training providers like Mind Fitness to provide a comprehensive list of opportunities to further knowledge, understanding, and resilience, and ultimately make your organisation a safer environment in which your teams can thrive.


Safe In Our World Workshops

 - Online or in-person | Worldwide

Safe In Our World has developed a series of workshops designed to address some of the most common mental health conditions and related issues experienced across the global games industry. Following each session, attendees will receive a copy of the slide deck with additional resources and further reading relevant to each topic.

These sessions can be delivered individually as 1-hour sessions or combined into longer workshops. We can also discuss creation of bespoke sessions or adaptations of existing materials to better fit your teams. The workshops are for upto 30 delegates and come at a small cost.

Mental Health in the Games Industry
An overview of the most common mental health conditions experienced in the games industry (anxiety, depression, burnout, and Impostor Syndrome), and an introduction to Safe In Our World’s work and the vital resources we offer.

Impostor Syndrome (or, “how have I managed to fool everyone into thinking I’m competent, and when will they inevitably discover that I don’t belong here?”)
A deep dive into Impostor Syndrome including the symptoms, causes, how to spot it in yourself and others, and how to combat it.

Understanding Burnout
A deep dive into burnout from an individual and organisational perspective, including the signs and symptoms, and how to mitigate the risks.

Games as a Refuge
This session focuses on understanding why games are a safe space for many players, and discusses how we can set expectations from and inside-out approach and challenge inappropriate behaviours within communities to help them remain safe for everyone.

Navigating Toxicity in Communities
A more focused look into toxicity, how and why it can form, and crucially how you can support yourself by setting boundaries and practicing self-care.


"Don't Take It Personally": A Guide to Self-Advocacy Speaking

 - Online via YouTube | Worldwide

The topic of this course is ‘Self-Advocacy Speaking’, a new concept rooted in psychology, diversity & inclusion, and workplace resilience.

This course was developed based on feedback from people working in the games industry, so it addresses real-life issues such as miscommunications, empathy, and other issues that we face often because of how we share and receive information. The full hours is 3 hours long, spread out into 1-hour sessions.

These are designed to be attended with some time in between to digest the learning – so, for example, by completing one part per week over three weeks. You can find all three parts on this YouTube playlist.

This 3-part programme is designed not to teach you a new language, but to reconnect you with what you already know, and bring it back out into the open for your benefit and for those in your lives at home and at work.

A language is built from a vocabulary and a grammar, a structure or framework. We need to look at both parts before we start speaking it again and expressing our thoughts and needs to others, which is what this programme is designed to do.

Get your Certificate & Human Handbook

Once individuals have completed the course, they can email to confirm completion and receive a certificate, their Human Handbook, and access to additional digital resources.


Take This Consulting & Training Services

 - Online or in-person | Worldwide

Take This, a US charity, leverages its research, training, and community support capabilities to address mental health across the entire life cycle of games, from studio formation to game design, support for players and moderation teams, and broader conversations about why kids and adults play games. The organization conducts research, provides training and workshops, and acts as an advocate for games and mental health worldwide. We can connect you to the wonderful team, or click below to contact them directly.

Contact Take This directly

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Please let us know which course(s) you are interested in, and any other information about how we can support!

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    How do you need help?

    I need to contact someone about my own mental health (or someone I know) I want to find out more about mental health conditions