Whether you knew it was coming or not, a redundancy can feel really difficult and lead to all kinds of questions and uncertainty. We know that this feeling can challenge everyone’s mental wellbeing and, in some cases, worsen existing conditions.

We’ve worked with Fresh Seed to offer some support and resources for those affected by layoffs and redundancy.


Redundancy can be a daunting and uncertain phase in your career, but having a solid grasp of your rights can empower you to confidently navigate this challenging journey. Wherever you are in the world, you are likely entitled to certain protections. By embracing your rights, you can make well-informed decisions, safeguard your financial stability, and embark on new opportunities with greater peace of mind during this trying period.


Just because you’ve lost your job doesn’t mean your networks in work and the wider games industry have gone. They are really powerful in supporting you and reminding you that your value in the industry is valid. Try not to disconnect yourself from everyone around you and try to remember that these people really care about you and are rooting for you to get your next role. Your network and friends can also be leant on for support during a tough time, to help lift you up and remind you of your worth when everything seems impossibly difficult.



Naturally, concerns about your financial situation may arise following redundancy. If you’re able to take proactive steps to handle your finances in this period, it will contribute to maintaining financial security and providing peace of mind. There are many online tools to support with budgeting, or places you can go to for advice around renegotiating debts. Try to seek out local experts or government resources to make informed decisions.



While you’re looking for your next role, take the time to polish your CV and update your LinkedIn profile. Remember that doing it now, whilst your work is fresh and feels relevant is better than leaving it until you’re interviewing. A recruiter wants to see what you have achieved, and how you’ve contributed to the team so now’s the opportunity to put yourself in a good light. If you struggle, ask a friend to help you.


At times of shock and disbelief it’s tempting to hide away and cut off all the things that give you purpose.  But that may not be helpful to your longer-term wellbeing. Try to maintain structure and remember to allow yourself time off from worrying, looking for work, etc., to allow time for self-care. Be kind to yourself as you adapt to change, and recognise that it’s okay to find it hard.

Try to connect with friends, family, and support groups who can offer emotional support. Redundancy can be really overwhelming and cause you to go through a whole range of emotions such as shock, anger, anxiety, and despair. If you feel you need to talk to someone else, take a look at safeinourworld.org/find-help where you’ll be able to locate local support sites and helplines wherever you are in the world. Alternatively, consider speaking to a mental health professional or counsellor who can provide guidance and support.

Try to avoid rabbit holes of doom or conspiracies about what has happened. Instead, try to focus on constructive things to reduce stress and boost your mental wellbeing such as journalling, exercise, hobbies, sleeping and eating well, and connecting with others.



LinkedIn Game Industry Lay Off Peer Support Group

Redundancy Financial Support – Money Saving Expert

Worldwide mental health resources

Take This – Layoffs Survey