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The Diagnosis Dilemma

Season 3, Episode 2

Rosie chats with Dr Raffael Boccomazzo PsyD about diagnosis on this episode of the Safe Space podcast

How does it feel to be diagnosed? What sorts of challenges can people face when seeking diagnosis? What can you do to support yourself during the process?

Doctor B is a clinical psychologist and clinical director at video games mental health non-profit Take This. We discuss Dr B’s long history in psychology, therapy and diagnosis, why he’s got to where he is today, and his own experiences in diagnosis.

Raffael discusses the intricacies of intersectionality within diagnosis and marginalised groups, and the differences in diagnosing mental health and neurodiversity such as ADHD and Autism. He also shares his love for D&D, which has offered him support within his own wellbeing amongst a trusted group of friends. 

This podcast also directly links to our theme of this month – seeking diagnosis and support. Seeking a diagnosis for your mental health can be a daunting, relieving, or even exciting concept for many, but no two people will have the same experience. We believe that sharing lived experiences within diagnosis can help empower others to seek support, as well as explore their own journeys feeling more equipped. Click here to read more about people’s experiences in seeking a mental health diagnosis.


How to ADHD

Dr Russell Barkley

Take This⁠


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