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Navigating Career Uncertainty with Resilience

Are you facing job loss, layoffs or career uncertainty? This workshop, hosted by Stuart John Chuan from Safe In Our World’s Clinical Advisory Board, provides practical psychological tools to maintain your wellbeing.

Book for free on any of the available dates:

Friday 24 May SOLD OUT

Tuesday 4 June

Friday 7 June

Tuesday 11 June

This interactive online workshop provides practical psychological tools to maintain your wellbeing during this turbulent period. Led by an experienced psychologist, you’ll learn strategies to:

  • Process the emotional impacts of job transitions with self-compassion
  • Cultivate a resilient mindset to manage stress, rejection and uncertainty
  • Nurture your identity and self-worth beyond your career role
  • Develop an effective problem-solving approach for challenges ahead
  • Build acceptance for circumstances outside your control

Through guided activities, personal reflections and group discussions in a confidential setting, you’ll gain valuable insights to navigate this difficult career juncture with greater psychological resilience. Participants will receive a resource sheet summarizing the key learnings.

A graphic of a browser window with "I've been made redundant..." in the search bar. Below, there is a photo of Stuart Chuan and the text 'Navigating Career Transitions with Resilience: Free support sessions for people impacted by games industry layoffs, globally."

This 90-minute session is open to anyone impacted by redundancies, layoffs or career upheaval seeking psychological support. This includes those at risk of being laid off or facing any uncertainty as a result of the recent instability within the global games industry.

These sessions will be group coaching sessions for 10-15 people per group, creating what we hope to be a safe and supportive environment to discuss individual circumstances.

Please note, these sessions will not be recorded in order to create a more confidential environment where attendees can share their feelings and needs.

Interested, but unable to make these sessions? We are looking to put on more of these workshops, so keep an eye on Safe In Our World’s website and social media for future announcements.