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Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024

The video games mental health charity Safe In Our World is launching Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024, aimed at empowering gamers and developers to create intimate and personal video games based on real lived experiences.

Game Dev Champions 2024 is a worldwide event, encouraging entries from a variety of ages, skills, and diverse backgrounds. Register interest here to be notified of when submissions go live.

Games are an amazing vehicle to express difficult and often emotional mental health journeys that people face every day. Through this initiative, and by sharing these experiences, Safe In Our World seeks to amplify the voices of the gaming community and enable players to experience an often silent struggle.

Who is Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 for?

The Mental Health Game Dev Champions 2024 is a worldwide event, encouraging entries from a variety of ages, skills, and diverse backgrounds. Solo entries are allowed, or team up with friends for a group category. The only restriction is that you are over 18, and you are aspiring developers, not an existing development team.

When and what is happening?

From June 1st the jam begins! At that point the event officially starts and participants can submit their games. The development window is open for 5 months, and at the end of October will close to allow a month for judging. A special live show is planned to announce the winners, in December, hosted by Julia Hardy and Doug Cockle.

Timeline showing Launch in April, Applications close June 1st, Masterclasses June through October, Submissions Close October 31st, Judging in November and Winners Announced in December. A series of classes from People including Xbox, Unity, Doug Cockle, Gareth Williams, Outright Games will be taking place.

Theme for the Game Dev Champions 2024

As we know now, the charity was launched on the eve of a pandemic which was pretty good timing to offer support for gamers. There were many dark days during that time and the true impact will ever be known, BUT if there is one legacy that Covid has left, its that perhaps people are now talking more about their mental health. So, that is the theme of this competition, to continue this vital conversation and we encourage people to express what they went through and how they felt by making a game that means something to them.


The Judges and Hosts

The judging panel will include esteemed industry folk, game developers, indie publishers, and clinicians. This list is non-comprehensive!

Award Categories and Entries showing 4 entry categories - Solo Dev (Ages 18-24), Solo Dev (25+), Small Team (18-24), Small Team (25+). The Awards Categories are Best Narrative, Best Gameplay Innovation, Best Audio, Best Art, Best Game, Best Technical Innovation and Grand Game Award. There will be 3 shortlists for each category.

During December the Safe In Our World Mental Health Game Dev Championship 2024 Winners will be announced via a Live Stream hosted by the renowned Julia Hardy and Doug Cockle.



The Prizes

The Rules

  • All games must be produced within the time frame of the challenge, games made before 1st June are not permitted
  • A ‘Small Team’ must be a team of people who do NOT normally work together on projects, and must be a maximum of 6 people.
  • The Game Dev challenge is for people just starting their carrier in the games industry, to qualify you must not work within the industry or have only done so for 2 years or less.
  • The Safe In Our World standard guidelines on conduct apply to all aspects of the competition
  • The Games may be created using any games engine you wish as long as it is accessible to the judges.
  • All Games must include the theme in some way, make it special to your journey
  • All games must be complete and in a full working order
  • You may enter multiple games if you wish, as long as they are all created during the given time.


For press enquiries, email hello@safeinourworld.com

Register interest here