The End of You is a short, emotional narrative game about love lost, the ghosts of the past, and the painful crawl towards closure.

Coyan Cardenas aka ‘Memory of God’ is the solo developer and director of Lambic Studios, the creator of new title ‘The End of You’. Standing in Walter’s shoes, players will navigate the fall out of an ended relationship through packing memories, reliving conversations and trying to find peace.

This short experience was designed intentionally to be played in a single sitting, creating a sense of completeness within the story.


  • Play as Walter, a heartbroken middle-aged man tasked with packing away memories from a relationship that has ended.
  • Engage in every day life to avoid facing the tough emotions associated with the past; listen to cassettes, have a shower, relax with a cigarette… try not to reminisce about choices you made (or wish you had)
  • Focus on the mental health aspect of break-ups through exploration of difficult memories, objects and past conversations
  • Average play time of 1 hour or less

If you’d like to learn more about how Coyan tackled creating ‘The End of You’, we have published an interview discussion about the ins and outs of game development focused on emotional storytelling.