Deficit is a Semi-Fictional Experiential ADHD Story, based on real-life ADHD experiences. Players will navigate their way through several vignettes as they learn more about how structural barriers and attitudes can create a difficult environment for those whose brains work differently.

This game has a unique way of telling a story and being relatable to people with ADHD. This story might also help people explore their own mental health and help people ask questions they may have been having about ADHD. Deficit really carefully guides you through the life of a person with ADHD and the design choices involved make it a very surreal experience, while it is only a 15 minute experience, it’s one that has opened our eyes to what the condition can be like. Deficit is a great narrative that really helps educate.


  • A narrative written by a person that has ADHD
  • The design is wonderful and really helps you engage
  • Could be a fantastic educational tool

You can play Deficit for free here: by Gav Sarafian

'The cat meows. You pet her.' .... What were you doing? > fix cable > start stream