Romanian Game Developers Association

Romanian Game Developers Association

Jocuri de computer

Bucharest, Bucharest 754 adepți

A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the Romanian video games industry.

Despre noi

The Romanian game development industry is one of the largest in Europe in terms of employees, over 6000 people being employed in the industry here. With very large international gaming companies setting up studios here but also a fast growing number of indie studios starting to gain international success, our industry is one force to watch closely in the next years to come. Romanian Game Developers Association is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to support and promote the Romanian video game developers market into making them more successful and profitable on the internal and international market. OBJECTIVES: To inform the general public, potential investors and potential talent in Romania about the game developers industry in the country. To make sure educational sources are available for potential talent to grow and get quality education. To create a strong community of Romanian game developers that can share best practices and have a united voice at a national and international level. To represent the game developers community at a national authorities level and at an international level at trade fairs, international associations level etc. To broaden membership in order to make sure all parties are being represented and the association really represents the entire industry in Romania.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Jocuri de computer
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Bucharest, Bucharest
Games Development, indie studios, gaming, mobile games, PC games și multiple platform games


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