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RAID-Digest (28.06.24)

RAID-Digest (28.06.24)

Hello, Raiders! 

While the next update is already on the horizon, and Clans prepare for the upcoming tre… Well, that would be a spoiler, and we don't want to spoil the fun. So let's talk about near-at-hand events.

Artifact Chests rewards

On June 30th, we prepared a special Dungeon Divers event with Chests. All players will be able to acquire Chests of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum variety. Additionally, players of 41+ levels will also have a Diamond Chest among the prizes.

A small reminder that tapping on the chest will open a pop-up that shows what prizes may lay within. Please note that in referent events, Chest may have different prizes in them.

Clan vs. Clan tournament

The next Clan vs. Clan tournament will feature personal rewards. So don't let them win, the win should be yours!

That is all for today, have a wonderful weekend.

Jun 28, 2024, 11:488 days
Jun 30, 2024, 19:106 days

So why do you call them Artifact Chests if none of them contain any?