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Update 7.60 Highlights

Update 7.60 Highlights

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Update Highlights 7.60, where we’ll tell you what treats we have prepared this Spooktober. Don’t expect any groundbreaking features just yet, but we do have some very fun things to show off! First of all, Clans will receive their own customizable heraldry with the new Clan Insignia; furthermore, Clan Rank will be visible to all thanks to Stars that can be earned via various Clan activities. On top of that, we have QoL improvements, new Champions, and a series of spooky Events to celebrate Halloween.

Read on to learn more!

Clan Insignia

Come Update 7.60, Clans will receive access to their own sigil - the Clan Insignia. Although only the Clan Leader will be able to approve and change it, we’re making the basic creator available to everyone who is part of a Clan. To access it you only need to navigate to your Clan menu and find the Clan Insignia creator button that’s nestled conveniently beneath your Clan’s Insignia.

Once there, you can create a Clan Insignia draft with the following elements:

  • Shape. You can choose one of several shapes;
  • Pattern. You can choose one of several options, then choose your preferred colors;
  • Symbols. You can choose between 0 and 6 symbols, adjust their color, flip them vertically or horizontally, and move them around the field (they can even overlap)

We’ll release a preview video with more detailed instructions at a later date, so you can see the Clan Insignia creator in action before it goes live!

Now, once your Clan Insignia is approved, it will be displayed next to every Clan member’s username like a banner proudly flown on Doom Tower and Tournament Leaderboards, in various Arena tabs, and on the Hydra Clash board.

Clan League

In addition to getting their fancy coat of arms, Clans will get to show off their achievements with Clan League. Competing and doing well in various Clan tasks (CvC Tournaments and Hydra Clash at the time Update 7.60 goes live) will earn Clan Points, which then will be converted into Stars that appear above the Clan’s Insignia.

Each Clan begins starless but, after the Update goes live, can earn up to 5 Stars that come in 3 Leagues: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The first Stars are always Bronze, then progress up the Leagues as your Clan earns more Rank Points. These Stars will be visible above the Clan Insignia in pretty much every tab and menu where the Clan Insignia itself is present.

We’ll also add a Clan League tab to the Clan Menu, and everyone will be able to use it to see their Clan’s current progress.

Halloween Events

This year, we’re celebrating Halloween early and with quite a few different in-game Events. You can look forward to a special Promo Code that’ll provide some treats, various activities, including a Halloween-themed Fusion, and some other things in-between. So get your spooky costume, stock up on candy, and prepare for a very eventful October!

Quality of Life Improvements

  • The Events tab will be improved to include more information about various Raid activities and provide better visuals;
  • Clan Quests focused on various Dungeons will now include Hard Mode Stages of those Dungeons as well;
  • Tavern UI will be updated with a new button that allows to toggle the warning pop-up for Fusion-required Champions on or off at will

New Champions



Oct 9, 2023, 14:1210/09/23
Oct 9, 2023, 19:1710/09/23
Oct 9, 2023, 19:20(edited)

I really wonder who would priotize Clan insignia and Clan League (essentially they are doing nothing for the gameplay) over QoL improvements like 1-klick Level-UP Functions or better filters or improving the selling automatism.

I also wonder who would rate the fixing of a bug (that hard mode dungeons are not considered for CvC) as a QoL

Altogether, this is pretty disappointing...the only good news is that you can switch off the opo-up for feeding fusion champs but otherwise? New champs and...a lot of stuff I will ignore as hard as I ignore Champions Lore...those things are just wasted efforts...from my guess 95% of the players will just ignore those things.

The point of hope would be the updated events overview...but hopefully it will be different as the view shown in the video as you essentially just put a second column on the events list. Make it more like the fusion calendar...a real overview with a time line.

Oct 9, 2023, 19:5510/09/23

After that pretty positive interview yesterday, leading with "update your clan insignia!!" was...a choice.

Oct 9, 2023, 20:0810/09/23

How about some REAL QOL and let us tell Hydra team to attack heads that have eaten champs.  This should have been in the game from the start and has been requested since release.  Still no sign of it.

Oct 10, 2023, 03:2310/10/23

Regarding that rare who bullies Hydra. His kit is working fine, his not broken. He is only OP in specific area of the game. This rare pushes the value higher of certain champions; Brogni. Krisk and Yumiko (and some epic and rare that syergize with the whole composition). It would make sense to capitalize on that matter. 

Oct 10, 2023, 11:3510/10/23
Oct 10, 2023, 11:40(edited)

Clan Insignia is very welcome!

Lady Mikage will work well with Ninja against CB.

If she can be realistic fusion, she will need it. The second form A1 also is important to me against Sand Devil

Oct 10, 2023, 14:3410/10/23

All looks good as an incremental update, looking forward to seeing the new champs. :)

Oct 10, 2023, 16:5110/10/23

Clans should also be rewarded for those old useless 20/20 badges/medals your clan can earn. Add that to clan progression.

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 12, 2023, 11:1510/12/23

Hello, everyone!

Please keep in mind that there is a large timeline of new content, bug fixes, and other changes that we have in mind. Clan Insignia and Clan League have been on our agenda for a long time but get released now because we prioritized my other pieces of content over it. And we have more QoL changes for future updates.

As for the Corpulent Cadaver teams, we saw that the amount of their damage against Hydra is disproportionately high, way higher than other teams could deal. Therefore, it appeared as a necessary measure to cap his damage to balance out Hydra battles.

Thank you for the feedback! I'll take the mentioned suggestions to the game designers.

Oct 13, 2023, 05:3910/13/23

And, again... please, please please adjust th ebalancing of bronze, silver and gold medals for the Area bonuses on the live arena similar to the Classic one - affinity bonuses.

Nov 9, 2023, 21:3211/09/23

Yeah I just want to mention, why are you guys making it so much more difficult for people that either don't put a lot of money into the game or don't put any money into the game? Cuz I've been playing for about a year and a half now and it used to be a great game where I didn't have to put a lot of money in because I don't have a lot of money to put in and it didn't really matter that much because it was still a really good game I just had to put more time into it which I realized no problem with that, and it took a bit longer to go ahead and get where I needed to go or be with no problem with that either. But now it's really getting difficult without putting money I don't have into the game to pretty much get anywhere or do anything. Like for instance the artifacts when I be leveling up the artifacts she didn't take all that much silver now the amount of silver you got to use to get the artifact at a decenent level is massive compared to what it used to be. And also you guys have lowered the stats and value of the artifacts which is kind of annoying I like it the way it was now it just seems like they're just ain't worth the time or the effort. Some of the things that's been added to the game has actually been great Improvement but a lot of stuff that's been introduced to the game has been pretty much a pretty big hassle for people that don't have the money to put into the game. And it's actually beginning to look like you got a pretty much pay to play, meaning you got to chill out some big bucks to be able to do anything or get anywhere or you end up being left so far behind no matter how much time or how hard you end up playing doesn't really do hold that much you can actually play at 24/7 and still be left far behind within days of everybody else because they're putting glucose bucks into their game with a gray for them but not so cool for the rest of us. I mean you know I'm playing with people that are 20 levels below me have hardly anything going on and within two three weeks to a month they have like shot past me with massive extra stuff and literally really frustrate the hell out of me because I during that whole time I literally have been putting in 40 to 60 hours a week minimum during that time actually even more than that and I've been buying stuff and paying things but yes it's minimal of course that's what I can afford. But then when you see five other players that you seen and played with and what not all of a sudden just fly by you and leave you in the dust and they barely put any time into the game and one put in Buca bucks and the other one supposedly has some kind of sight that they go to which I've been trying to do doesn't seem to do much for me though. One of them being ass real comical guy I know he's been with you guys and doing his thing with you guys for quite some time I enjoy his parodies and all that his information usually is pretty good and decent but not a whole lot of good unless you're somebody who's already way up there which I'm not anywhere near. And then I used to be able to find out information on what would be the best gear to get for my champions and other people's opinions or other players who wants to leave that information opinion was very helpful now I can't get it at all have been able to get it for quite some time and it's frustrating because I'm trying to figure out what's the best gear for my Champions and just doesn't seem to be doing any good specially since I only have a handful of legendaries and unless I get half ass decent stuff to put on them or find out what would be the better thing to put on them they quickly turned to be like worthless. And of course being where I'm at I don't have a lot of the great features and a lot of great items or gear or artifacts but I've been saving up on some high ranking artifacts and gear that I can use in many departments that you guys have but it's also been difficult to go ahead and try to get the artifact that you want you know with the percentage like attack percentage or defense percentage or hit points percentage with a high ranking in high whatever it's called like legendary Epic rare. Wasn't all that hard to get wasn't that easy but it wasn't that hard to get before now it's almost impossible really get them at all and then when I do their specs suck not even worth to have that artifact really it's like I get a higher ranking at a good you know whatever it's called rare epic so on and it didn't even worth to have and it's so difficult to get him high ranking with an epic or high-ranking with the rare or even a legendary. And then when I do get them their specs are like literally make them worthless. You know how frustrating that is I can't get any good gear or artifacts that would be worthwhile to put on my champions you know how many champions I have to have no gear because I can't find or get any decent gear to put on them and why even bother putting high quality gear if they're not any good with the stats doesn't do any good and to get information on certain things in the game is like really freaking hard just to go ahead and find out what AOE meant it took me 2 weeks before somebody finally ended up telling me what it was and now I can do certain things or how to get certain things sometimes I still haven't even got an answer to them so is it you guys are starting to forget about the players that don't have much money or any money that play the game anymore and you guys just don't care about us let me know and I'll find a different game to go on to. I'll leave my comment statement and whatever and find another game that I can enjoy without having to pay a fortune or pay hardly anything to go ahead and enjoy which there were two I had I'm really thinking about just going back to them again because I was playing one of them and you guys said come back with a great surprise nice gift came back yeah looks like a nice gift the one I went to go claim it said I wasn't qualified for it like what the hell beaten switch I mean these are things that you guys never used to do you guys used to be a great game you should be a lot of fun you used to have a great time now you guys are building this game up to well I don't know make money lots of money I guess there's no way you guys can't tell me you guys don't make a great big fortune on it but for all these things you guys have been doing to it there's many things you guys could do to make money off of this that's not going to go ahead and affect all the players. Like I play a really a great game called vanity star Opera I can't remember if it's 8:00 or 13 some like that but nevertheless there's only a couple of them that are Fantasy Star Opera and this is the game where this guy puts in Mass money into the game it's a advanced game very Advanced game in all the things you could do all the things that you can participate in the graphics are awesome the movements into the game are really entertaining and the storyline and the movies and the people that play and the people that work on it and people that help you and you don't have to pay to play this game to get somewhere I've been playing this game for 5 years and it's great. Yeah occasionally when I can get some money up I go ahead and put it in there to go ahead and actually be able to enjoy the game a bit more but unfortunately I haven't played it for about a year and somewhat because my Advanced tablet got broken by a jerk man is taking me some time to get a replacement for it. And as well I've been playing your guys' game cuz I thought hey just another game that's really really cool and I could do it on my phone. Which you could do with their game but it would be far too difficult to be able to do it because of all the graphics and everything they got in there it would have to be so small to get on your phone it just not usable or feasible or anyway, their game has been going on for quite some time they've got Mass people that play the game and they make massive bucks on their game bye doing other things other than forcing people to buy things in the game. Like a lot of people like to dress up their characters they're Heroes and they give the opportunity to do that and you have to buy their outfits that's just one of the things you can change the looks of the hero themselves not just their outfit but their actual appearance which ends up costing money which they make quite a bit because a lot of people like to do that and they got the money to do it they do it and there's no effect to their Champion better just look better more interesting but does it make him more advanced does it make him better than anybody else's and they make money and game players are still able to play the game fairly and have a good time. One of the other things they do is when you get a nice weapon you could go ahead and spend some money to make the weapon look different or customize the looks to it but doesn't change the weapon and making it better or more Superior than anybody else's weapon that has the same just makes their parents look well pretty cool or actually pretty freaking awesome depending and they spend money to get all that but it doesn't change the aspects or does it make them any better or any worse and everybody's happy and they make Buca Buca bucks on it. Maybe you guys should think about going in that direction to make more money on your game then to push out players who don't have a whole lot of money they can put into it. And force him to spend far more time in the game that is really necessary unless that's what you guys really are trying to do well then great let the players know so they can actually so they can stop investing their time and effort into something that's just not going to get them anywhere like it's doing now. I mean if this is the way you guys want to go please absolutely please tell me and it's only fair to tell the rest of the players out there but tell me because I don't want to invest any more time in this game.

Nov 9, 2023, 21:3311/09/23

Sorry for the major long novel there I just wanted to get some things out and hoping that I might make a difference don't know how else to do it without explaining certain things which of course makes practically a novel of my little comment. I like to apologize for that but I hope that it gets red and actually get somewhere. And that is what you guys intend to do with the game please inform me so I don't have to invest any more of my time.? Thank you and good day to you all

Nov 9, 2023, 21:4011/09/23

Oh one small thing there is also a situation that is very frustrating where I'm finding a lot of my silver being disappearing I found a lot of my charge Crystal Shards have disappeared I've been trying to collect them up so that way I can get something good and when I finally get a decent amount or I thought I had a decent amount saved up all the sudden find out that I got less than what I had half of what I had and I'm talking about for the bigger shows like the golden Shard or the purple Shard I guess those are the void or the legendary charged or when you guys had the white ones at first it was great and afterwards I collected a bunch of them and like bunch of them disappeared and I find that a lot of my good things have disappeared a lot of my really good artifacts have disappeared and also stats have changed on it to where they got really crappy excuse my French. And there might be words or sentences that probably don't match up with what is being said that's because for some reason my word check app program whatever will change certain things all of a sudden when I send or deliver so I apologize for that I hope it could be made sense of it when it happens and you come across it if it doesn't please let me know and I will correct it and rectify what it's supposed to say. Again have a good day and thank you for reading my novel of ranting I guess.? Thank you I hope this makes a difference I hope you make the game back like it used to be where everybody can really have a good time and enjoy playing it I. I used to play with the guy that does that show slap ham but he doesn't play it anymore because of the situation that I had spoken of so anyways I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears or blind eyes good luck I guess and good day. And please get back ahold of me and let me know one way or the other how you guys attend to go by your game situation that if you plan on continuing the way it's going to where you have to have money and spend a lot of money to get anywhere do anything at a decent amount of time or play let me know so I don't have to put any more effort or invest any more of my time. Please thank you once again good day