How it works

The pharosIQ signals engine

Aggregating the signals that matter so you don’t have to

Intent to purchase signals

Leaving "Intent" in the past

We’ve ditched the old intent data; our signal engine identifies down-funnel buyers for better targeting and bigger results.

Diego Martinez

Purchase intent signals

Emily Stewart

Purchase intent signals

Darius Smith

Purchase intent signals

Down-funnel B2B content engagement

The content that matters most

We’ve created the world’s largest online vendor content library, categorized by buyer needs. We track engagement across the full funnel, from comparison reports and pricing guides to case studies, providing insights into the buyer journey, especially down-funnel purchase intent engagements.

Peer review site engagement

Real down-funnel intelligence

Our 2.5m+ monthly signals from active buyers, including engagements with vendor product pages, category pages, and comparison pages.

Confirmed Project Intel

Human-verified intent to purchase

These priceless signals are gathered from the results of over 10 million outbound calls and 13 million email engagements made annually by our sales development team. Through these calls, we verify that they are currently in the market and seeking the right provider.

The signal engine

Aggregating the signals that matter

This data is collected within our signal engine, transforming it into powerful insights for precision targeting in your pharosIQ campaigns. Our signals engine ensures accuracy in targeting, increasing campaign engagement, a more significant sales pipeline, and faster sales. We take care of all this, so you don’t have to.


No matter how your target buyer likes to be reached, we’ve got all the angles covered. We’re talking email, content, online ads, direct mail, and events. Plus, with precision targeting fueled by our signal engine, they’re practically lining up to convert when we make contact.

Access the intent signals that power pharosIQ

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