Edit notice popup suppression in Android and iOS app
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary:
When detecting an element with a specific class, suppress the edit notice popup but make it available using a button.

Use case(s):
Some edit notices are informative in nature, they aren't really warnings. They don't need to be shoved in the user's face.

Allows edit notice designers to decide if a notice should automatically popup and makes users less annoyed.

In EditNoticesOnMobile (T312299) this has been realized using a class named "nopopupnotice". I don't feel strong about that classname, I just had to pick something.

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF subscribed.

Thanks for filing this task, we will keep an eye on it, especially for other platforms and revisit it once there is more consensus.

AlexisJazz renamed this task from Edit notice popup suppression in Android app to Edit notice popup suppression in Android and iOS app.Aug 21 2023, 10:20 AM