Unlocking Elden Ring’s Secrets: Exploiting Glitches for Maximum Gain

As you guys can see from the title of today’s article, I’m about to show you three of the best working room glitches after all the recent patches and updates. But before we dive into that, don’t forget to check out the pinned comment below for a chance to win some Elden Ring DLC goodies and a shoutout to today’s sponsor, MMOEXP, your go-to source for affordable Elden Ring items and runes. Don’t forget to use code “exp32p” for that sweet discount. Alright, let’s jump into it.

Glitch 1: Marn’s Palace Runes

Our first glitch takes us to Marn’s Palace, a fan-favorite location. Getting here is a breeze; just look it up on YouTube if you’re not sure. Once you’re at the palace, drop down from the side of Grace and call your horse. Follow my path in the video until you reach a cliff. From there, make a double jump to the left onto a nearby ledge. It might sound tricky, but slow it down, and you’ll nail it.

Once you’ve landed safely, jump to the nearby tree, then up and past it. Keep following my lead until you’re near the blood splatter. That’s your cue to open your inventory and equip the Gold Found Picklefoot. With your melee weapon ready, run, jump off the cliff, and start meleeing mid-air while falling. Keep at it for about 20-30 seconds, and voilà! You’ll be rewarded with a hefty amount of runes.

Teleport back to the starting point using the map, and you’ll see the fruits of your labor—around 300,000 runes richer!

Glitch 2: Dynasty Monuments and Liam Grace

Next up, we’re hitting Dynasty Monuments and Liam Grace. Follow the steps in the video to reach the designated spot. Once there, equip the Sacred Relic Sword and unleash its special attack to clear out the area. It’s like mowing the lawn, but with enemies!

After a quick reset at the Grace, you’ll find the enemies you just dispatched are back for another round. Rinse and repeat, adding the Gold Found Picklefoot for extra rune bonuses. With each run, you’ll be rolling in runes—around 100k or more per run!

Glitch 3: Ledge Side of Grace in Marn’s Palace

Our final glitch revisits Marn’s Palace, this time focusing on the ledge side of Grace. If you need help getting here, drop a comment, and I’ll guide you through it. Once you’ve arrived, equip the Sacred Relic Sword and unleash its special attack to clear the area.

After resetting at the Grace, the enemies will respawn, ready for another beating. Repeat the process, adding the Gold Found Picklefoot for that extra rune boost. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the Elden Ring runes pile up—easily half a million runes in just a few runs!

And that’s a wrap, folks! These glitches are simple yet effective ways to farm runes in the Elden Ring. Remember, to use them responsibly, and always stay updated on the latest patches and updates. If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe to MMOexp for more content.

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Night Crows Class Guide: Mastering the Mystical Realms

Embarking on a journey through the enchanting lands of Night Crows promises an adventure of epic proportions. This MMORPG not only enthralls with its breathtaking visuals but also boasts a sophisticated class system tailored to suit every type of warrior, sorcerer, and rogue.

Explore the classes that shape the fate of this world:

Swordman: The Vanguard of Valor

  • Shield Bearer: Guardians against chaos, wielding shields as symbols of their indomitable spirit.
  • Dual Wielder: Masters of offense, their twin swords a whirlwind on the battlefield.

Witch: The Arcane Artisan

  • Elemental Savant: Channeling raw nature forces, laying waste to enemies with potent spells.
  • Mystic Healer: Using the wand to restore and strengthen the weary.

Warrior: The Brute Force

  • Greatsword Guardian: Single-minded and devastating, their greatswords bring destruction.
  • Spear Warden: Masters of control, strategic and deadly with a spear.

Hunter: The Prowler in the Shadows

  • Farshot: Masters of distance, weakening foes with arrows imbued with dark intent.
  • Shadowblade: Striking with precision, finding vulnerabilities with daggers.

Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses:

Each class in Night Crows is a double-edged sword, with strengths to exploit and weaknesses to manage:

Optimizing Gear for Victory:

Victory in Night Crows often hinges on gear quality:

Recommended Legendary Weapons:

Legendary weapons associated with each class:

In the mystical realm of Night Crows, your journey is unique. Every challenge is an opportunity, every victory a step towards immortality. With MMOexp‘s resources at your disposal, forge ahead, brave adventurer, for your destiny awaits in Night Crows, cheap Night Crows Diamonds always instock here.

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Last Epoch Crafting: A Guide to Crafting Godly Items

Last Epoch offers a vast array of customization options for players, allowing them to tailor their gear to suit their specific playstyles and build preferences. However, delving into the intricacies of crafting in Last Epoch can be daunting, especially when it comes to utilizing experimental affixes to create truly powerful items. In this guide, we’ll explore advanced crafting techniques using experimental affixes, empowering you to craft Godly items that will elevate your gameplay experience.

Understanding Experimental Affixes:

Experimental affixes are special modifiers that provide unique bonuses to items in the Last Epoch. These affixes can offer powerful effects such as increased damage, defensive capabilities, or utility enhancements. However, obtaining and crafting items with these experimental affixes requires careful planning and execution.

The Process of Crafting Godly Items:

  1. Acquiring Glyphs of Insight:

• Glyphs of Insight are essential for crafting items with experimental affixes. These glyphs are obtained by using Runes of Research on items containing experimental affixes dropped by Mages.
• Players should accumulate a sufficient number of Glyphs of Insight before attempting advanced crafting.

  1. Selecting Base Items:

• Choose the base items you wish to craft, ensuring they have an open prefix for affix manipulation.
• Consider the item type (gloves, boots, or belts) as each has specific crafting rules based on different factors such as AIX tiers, forging potential, or item level.

  1. Utilizing Crafting Tools:

• Use external crafting tools such as the Last Epoch Crafting Calculator to plan your crafting strategy.
• Input the affixes, forging potential, and other relevant details to determine the best approach for crafting your desired item.

  1. Manipulating Affixes:

• Craft and manipulate affixes on the base item to meet the requirements for the desired experimental affix.
• Adjust affix tiers, forging potential, or item level as necessary to align with the experimental affix you intend to apply.

  1. Applying Glyphs of Insight:

• Once the base item meets the criteria for the desired experimental affix, use Glyphs of Insight to convert a prefix into the experimental affix.
• Ensure that the affix you’re replacing meets the requirements for the Glyph of Insight to avoid wasted resources.

  1. Refining the Item:

• Fine-tune the crafted item by rerolling affix values using available crafting resources.
• Prioritize the most critical affixes for your build, maximizing their effectiveness through careful refinement.

Example Crafting Scenarios:

  1. Crafting Boots with Haste:

• Determine the forging potential required to obtain the desired experimental affix (e.g., Haste).
• Manipulate affixes on the base boots to achieve the necessary forging potential.
• Apply Glyph of Insight to convert a prefix into Haste, creating a powerful pair of boots tailored to your build.

  1. Crafting Gloves with Minion Damage:

• Calculate the total AIX tiers needed to acquire the experimental affix (e.g., Minion Damage).
• Adjust affix levels on the base gloves to meet the tier requirements for the experimental affix.
• Use Glyph of Insight to replace a prefix with Minion Damage, enhancing your gloves for minion-focused builds.


Mastering Last Epoch crafting requires a deep understanding of affix mechanics, careful planning, and utilization of crafting tools. By following the steps outlined in this guide, players can create Godly items that significantly enhance their characters’ power and effectiveness. Experiment with different crafting strategies, refine your techniques and unleash the full potential of your gear in the world of Last Epoch.

By the way, do you want to get Last Epoch gear quickly? Accumulate enough Last Epoch gold to stay one step ahead in the game. MMOexp.com offers you the best help. Good luck.

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The Challenges of PvP and Pieces of Eight in Skull and Bones

In the vast expanse of Skull and Bones’ open waters, the pursuit of Pieces of Eight can lead to thrilling encounters and unexpected challenges. One player’s recent experience highlights the complexities of engaging in PvP while attempting to deliver valuable cargo, shedding light on the nuances of gameplay mechanics and player interactions.

The journey began innocuously enough, with the collection of Pieces of Eight from a Manufactory prompting the opportunity to double the haul through a risky delivery venture. Undeterred by the prospect of PvP, the player accepted the challenge, only to find themselves embroiled in a tense pursuit as adversaries closed in.

Despite valiant efforts to outmaneuver and outwit their pursuers, the player encountered a frustrating obstacle upon reaching the designated outpost. Unable to dock or deposit the cargo while still in combat, they fell victim to a coordinated assault, ultimately losing the precious Pieces of Eight to an opportunistic rival.

Reflecting on the ordeal, the player wonders if they erred in their approach or if there are systemic flaws contributing to the unfavorable outcome. Suggestions for improvement emerge, such as reducing the auto-docking time from 30 seconds to a more manageable 10 seconds, enabling swifter transactions and minimizing vulnerability during combat situations.

The intricacies of PvP in Skull and Bones are multifaceted, with players facing various challenges and strategies employed by adversaries. The prevalence of group attacks and coordinated assaults underscores the need for vigilance and adaptability, as navigating the treacherous waters of PvP requires both skill and strategic foresight.

For those venturing into PvP engagements, selecting the right vessel can make all the difference. The Snow, renowned for its durability and resilience, proves to be a formidable choice, capable of withstanding prolonged assaults and providing a reliable means of transportation for completing high-stakes deliveries.

However, even with the advantages afforded by a sturdy vessel, success in PvP remains elusive without careful planning and execution. Adversaries often exploit vulnerabilities and employ cunning tactics, testing the mettle of even the most seasoned sailors.

Amidst the chaos of PvP encounters, moments of genuine engagement and camaraderie emerge. Engaging with skilled opponents can be both instructive and exhilarating, offering valuable lessons and insights that contribute to personal growth and development as a player.

Ultimately, the pursuit of Pieces of Eight in Skull and Bones is not without its challenges, particularly in the realm of PvP. However, with perseverance, ingenuity, and a willingness to learn from both victories and defeats, players can navigate these turbulent waters and emerge triumphant, forging their own path amidst the ever-shifting tides of fortune.

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Myth of Empires Mini Empire Speed Build

In the realm of sandbox survival games, Myth of Empires stands out as a promising contender, offering players the opportunity to carve out their destiny in a rich and immersive world. With its vast landscapes, dynamic ecosystems, and intricate building mechanics, Myth of Empires presents an enticing canvas for players to unleash their creativity and build magnificent structures that stand the test of time.

Among the myriad of possibilities within Myth of Empires lies the concept of the Mini Empire, a compact yet formidable settlement that serves as a testament to a player’s ingenuity and resourcefulness. In this article, we delve into the art of the Mini Empire speed build, exploring tips, tricks, and strategies to help aspiring architects bring their visions to life in record time.

Setting the Foundation: Planning and Preparation

Before embarking on any construction project in Myth of Empires, it’s essential to lay the groundwork through meticulous planning and preparation. Begin by scouting potential locations for your Mini Empire, considering factors such as proximity to resources, terrain features, and strategic advantages. A flat, open area with easy access to essential materials such as wood, stone, and ore is ideal for constructing a thriving settlement.

Once you’ve identified the perfect location, sketch out a rough blueprint of your Mini Empire, outlining key structures such as housing, workshops, storage facilities, and defensive fortifications. Consider the layout and flow of your settlement, ensuring that each building serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall functionality and aesthetic appeal of your Mini Empire.

Efficiency is Key: Maximizing Build Speed

With your plan in place, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work on the construction phase of your Mini Empire. Efficiency is paramount when undertaking a speed build, so it’s essential to streamline your building process and minimize unnecessary downtime. Here are some tips to help you maximize build speed:

  1. Gather Resources in Advance: Before commencing construction, stockpile essential resources such as wood, stone, and metal ingots to ensure a steady supply throughout the build process. Assign dedicated gatherers to procure resources while construction is underway to minimize interruptions.
  2. Utilize Prefabricated Building Components: Take advantage of prefabricated building components such as walls, floors, and roofs to expedite construction and maintain consistency in design. Prefabricated components can be quickly assembled and customized to suit your specific needs, saving valuable time during the building process.
  3. Optimize Building Placement: Place buildings and structures near one another to minimize travel time between workstations and maximize efficiency. Arrange buildings logically and cohesively, taking advantage of natural terrain features and strategic positioning to optimize space utilization.
  4. Employ Workforce Management Techniques: Delegate tasks among your workforce efficiently, assigning roles based on individual strengths and skillsets. Utilize automation tools such as construction queues and task prioritization to streamline workflow and minimize micromanagement.
  5. Invest in Construction Upgrades: Invest in research and technology upgrades that enhance construction speed and efficiency, such as improved building techniques, advanced building materials, and specialized construction equipment. These upgrades provide tangible benefits that accelerate the pace of your Mini Empire’s development.

The Finishing Touches: Adding Personality and Flair

As your Mini Empire begins to take shape, don’t forget to infuse it with personality and flair to make it truly unique and memorable. Incorporate decorative elements such as banners, statues, and landscaping features to add visual interest and character to your settlement. Experiment with different architectural styles and building materials to create a distinctive aesthetic that reflects your taste and creativity.

Furthermore, consider the roleplay aspect of your Mini Empire, weaving stories and narratives that give depth and meaning to your creations. Whether you envision your settlement as a bustling trading hub, a fortified stronghold, or a tranquil oasis in the wilderness, imbue it with lore and history that captivate the imagination and draw players into your world.

Conclusion: Crafting a Legacy in Myth of Empires

In the vast and ever-evolving world of Myth of Empires, the possibilities for creative expression are limitless. Through the art of the Mini Empire speed build, players can leave their mark on the landscape, shaping the course of history and forging a legacy that endures through the ages. By harnessing the power of planning, efficiency, and imagination, aspiring architects can transform humble beginnings into grand achievements, creating miniature empires that stand as testaments to their skill and vision. So gather your tools, rally your workforce, and embark on a journey of discovery and creation in the world of Myth of Empires. Your Mini Empire awaits.

Either way, Myth of Empires is a great game, MMOexp provides you with safe MoE Copper Coins. Follow us to get more information and offers.

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