Jelte Lagendijk

Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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I hope that one day Javascript runs the next generation spaceshuttle (for now I settle…


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  • Webdeveloper / administrator

    Stichting Erasmussprints

    - 3 jaar 6 maanden

    In 2011 I took over the role as manager of the website and domainname holder, for Stichting Erasmussprints. They organize an annual rowing competition in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

    At first, I decided to create a complete new website in Joomla, migrating all info that was previously on Google Sites. In 2012, after getting a ton of experience in Wordpress, the website was recreated in Wordpress, crafting a fresh new look for the new edition. I managed the layout…

    In 2011 I took over the role as manager of the website and domainname holder, for Stichting Erasmussprints. They organize an annual rowing competition in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

    At first, I decided to create a complete new website in Joomla, migrating all info that was previously on Google Sites. In 2012, after getting a ton of experience in Wordpress, the website was recreated in Wordpress, crafting a fresh new look for the new edition. I managed the layout, functionality and setup of the website, the content was provided by other members.

    In July 2014 I decided it was time to move to new projects. In November 2014 the website and domain is transferred to Stichting Erasmussprints, and my role as webdeveloper stops.

  • Stichting Cyberpaint grafisch

    Organiser & Web Developer

    Stichting Cyberpaint

    - 2 jaar

    Stichting Cyberpaint is the driving force behing "Operation Cyberpaint", an annual paintball event that is organised between hackers, law enforcement, security professionals and government. The first edition was organised in 2013 and was received with positive comments.

    I was amongst the organisers who initiated the event. I took upon the role as web developer, mainly responsible for the website Besides that, I took an interest in creating various materials…

    Stichting Cyberpaint is the driving force behing "Operation Cyberpaint", an annual paintball event that is organised between hackers, law enforcement, security professionals and government. The first edition was organised in 2013 and was received with positive comments.

    I was amongst the organisers who initiated the event. I took upon the role as web developer, mainly responsible for the website Besides that, I took an interest in creating various materials, mainly the promotion posters and artwork.


  • Mendix Developers - General header/footer


    In order to create a more balanced User Experience we decided to make the header/footer for our various Mendix Developer products (Forum, Academy, Docs, etc) an external resource. Taking lessons from our "One search to rule them all" we decided to create a single Javascript + CSS component that could easily be loaded in any page.

    In contrast to Search, we decided to make this project Open Source. It is built using Webpack + Vue. This setup follows the same principle as Docs when it comes…

    In order to create a more balanced User Experience we decided to make the header/footer for our various Mendix Developer products (Forum, Academy, Docs, etc) an external resource. Taking lessons from our "One search to rule them all" we decided to create a single Javascript + CSS component that could easily be loaded in any page.

    In contrast to Search, we decided to make this project Open Source. It is built using Webpack + Vue. This setup follows the same principle as Docs when it comes to CI/CD. We push to Github, it gets picked up by Travis CI and pushed to Pivotal. There it runs a similar static buildpack as Search/Docs and will host the latest hashed version of this library.

    Project setup:

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  • One search to rule them all


    Following the Mendix Documentation migration, I have been working on Client Side Search, using Algolia. We have built several search indexes in Algolia, and combine them in 1 search. This is done using Vue + vue-instantsearch. The files are generated on our own servers and pushed to Cloudfoundry. The Static buildpack is configured similarily to docs, where we redirect to the latest version of the search.

    Currently (Oct 2017) we have two searches: (corporate) and…

    Following the Mendix Documentation migration, I have been working on Client Side Search, using Algolia. We have built several search indexes in Algolia, and combine them in 1 search. This is done using Vue + vue-instantsearch. The files are generated on our own servers and pushed to Cloudfoundry. The Static buildpack is configured similarily to docs, where we redirect to the latest version of the search.

    Currently (Oct 2017) we have two searches: (corporate) and + (developer). In the end we will probably combine all indexes in 1 single index, creating what I dubbed as 'One search to rule them all'.

    Learning points: Working with Webpack + Vue + vue-instantsearch. I already created a couple of things using Vue, but this project was the crown. Minimizing code (3kb search + 90kb vendor) was a challenge, while keeping it compatible with most browsers (IE9+). Algolia is an awesome service!

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  • Mendix Documentation migration


    Old situation: Mendix documentation hosted on a Confluence server. Upside: CMS, Downside: Slow, no easy integration of other systems, bloated pages, old HTML.

    New situation: Complete documentation is Open Source in Markdown format. Site gets generated through a static page generator (Hugo). Everything else is done through Gulp-scripts. Integration with Algolia to implement Client-Side search. In order to automate everything, a CI-server (Travis) is used to build when something has…

    Old situation: Mendix documentation hosted on a Confluence server. Upside: CMS, Downside: Slow, no easy integration of other systems, bloated pages, old HTML.

    New situation: Complete documentation is Open Source in Markdown format. Site gets generated through a static page generator (Hugo). Everything else is done through Gulp-scripts. Integration with Algolia to implement Client-Side search. In order to automate everything, a CI-server (Travis) is used to build when something has changed. When built, it is pushed to a Cloudfoundry (Pivotal) server using a static buildpack.

    Learning points: Started out with Jekyll, eventually moved to Hugo due to speed. The integration (CI) part was the most fun. Making sure the whole website is consistent, checking every link/image in every page. The other part I really liked was tinkering with Nginx, making sure the website is performing great.

    Project setup:

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  • Willem de Kooning Academie


    De nieuwe website voor de Willem de Kooning Academie. Nieuw jasje en een responsive design.

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  • Pronails E-catalog


    It’s a new world with improving technology every single day. And we at Pronails can’t stay behind. That is why from now on our catalogue is digital. Browse fast through the application. Take a look at our new collection. Find all the products you need.

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  • Stichting Cyberpaint

    Webmaster / Designer


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