Say hello to Newton, the newest member of your team

Newton is your always-on analytics assistant powered by AI

Break free of stale dashboards and democratize access to analytics

Our cutting-edge AI analyst for enterprises delivers advanced analytics and insights to drive informed decision-making and business growth.

Integrate your proprietary data and models

Newton knows how to find the insights you need in your data. Super power your team by building on existing models, dashboards and datasets.

Always-on access to intelligent analytics

Maximize the value of your data assets with immediate access to the analytical support you have always desired.

Actionable insights for better results

Newton leapfrogs natural language to sql solutions by generating actionable intelligence and even acting on your behalf.

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Newton Insights

The Latest from Newton Research

Streamlined Data Acquisition Process

With Newton Research, marketers can easily access comprehensive data sets from various sources, saving time and effort.

Actionable Insights for Better Results

Our AI assistant analyzes data to provide valuable insights that drive effective marketing strategies.

Data-Driven Decision Making Made Easy

Newton Research equips marketers with the tools they need to make data-backed decisions and achieve their goals.