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Line625 After completing all three stone quests, the cap stone is now removed and the portal opened. You can now perform your examination as the shadow god of Nehrim.


As you arrive at the "Unknown land", ie. Fathoming, head up the stairs and turn right, and you will find a note that reveals a quest. You are to locate 7 Essences of Fathoming. The first six essences are readily seen by looking around, easiest seen in the dark. The seventh essence is found inside a cave that is accessed through a hollow tree log to the south west. You'll see it on the local map as "tree cave". A magical passage in the sky will now have opened, leading you to the next cave called "Driphole". Within the water pond is the next entry point.

Make sure to have the dwemer helmet that allows sea breathing available, or a scroll or spell for the same effect, as this area is underwater and somewhat difficult to maneuver in. A light spell will also be useful. Within "the wilderness", ie. the underwater area, you want to pass about two thirds north (in reference to the entire north / south spectrum) and as you get there, look for a small cave opening to the west. This will lead you to a surface area with a portal that will lead you onto a tropical island.

On the tropical island, you'll find a small hut that contains a journal, as well as a +1 LP textbook as well as a locked hatch door. If you completed Search for My Roots, you will recognize that this journal is of your past. The journal tells you about your parents' potential gravesite. The cave entry is found northwest of the hut, on the other side of the island. In the northwestern grave you'll find a key for the hatch. After picking up the key, strange bone fences will block you from continuing, but you can run around them. As you get to the hut, jump onto the roof and enter there.

Down the hatch you will arrive at a strange magical platform. There's a door exit that will lead you to "a vision" of Erothin in the future, and it is destroyed. The protagonist presumed that its destruction is his own doing. Exit through the main gate, and head eastward towards the crypts. When entering the crypt, pass down the stairwell and find a similar one to climb up on the other side; this door will lead you to the graveyard in another district. Kill the zombies and continue straight ahead, pass through the main gate.

You will now face several Doom Keeper demons and a bunch of zombies. It is an easy fight. Maneuver yourself around the ruins and watch your local map for gate entries. Eventually you'll arrive at the castle. There's a wanted notice on the wall and you can receive a bounty quest here, despite being on a weird overall quest through this "vision". Head up the stairs and find an exit; here's you'll face the boss "Keeper of the last barrier" which is a relatively tough fight. He is worth 2200 experience points. As you kill the demon, a loading screen starts and you'll see a journal entry that the demon's vision of Erothin is dwindling away, and you will be seen ascending back into the castle of Shadows.

At the castle, several mages are present, and they strip you of the soul flayer swords but leave you with your other armor pieces. You are now finding yourself incarcerated.



Following Quest[]

In the Jail of Souls


  • Two cells, MQ37DoorsStart and MQ37EndVision, are only encountered during this quest.
  • Stage 40 has two separate journal entries. The one you receive depends if the player has completed Search for My Roots.

Quest Journal[]

The use of the console is the same like in Oblivion. A description on how to use console commands can be found here.

The Task of Fathoming - MQ37
Stage End Q Journal Entry
5 The cap stone is out of the way, the portal is opened. Now I can do my examination.
10 I landed in a mysterious valley. According to a laid out stone slab seven "Elements of Fathom" should be scattered about this place, containing fragments of my past. Once I have found all of them and picked them up I will be able to continue my path.
15 I found all seven elements. The way out of this valley should have been opened.
20 I walked through the portal and landed on a tropical island. I don't know what my mission is here, but I will take a look around.
25 An old diary of a castaway. The recording begins in a village called Ledur. One child was left behind when his parents were sold into slavery to the Southern Empire. The slave ship sank and they stranded with some of their fellow prisoners on this island. Also a grave nearby is mentioned. I could go and search it.
30 I found a key in one of the tombs. When I walked into daylight again, barriers of bones swung up from the ground to prevent me from moving forward. What's going on here? Is this also a part of an examination or will something prevent me from finding out more?
40 I could open the hatch under the hut using the key from the grave. It led me to a freely floating room. This place looks almost as if it did not belong here...
40 Alt I could open the hatch under the hut of my parents using the key from the grave. It led me to a freely floating room. This place looks almost as if it did not belong here...
50 This vision is getting crazier and crazier - Erothin is in ruins. Maybe I've fought Erothin, but I have not destroyed the city. What does this place have to do with me?
51 Erothin is overrun with undead creatures, overcast with blood and littered with mutilated bodies. But this bloody trail perhaps leads me to the creator of this crazy vision. And if I have luck also to a way out...
70 End I defeated the demon that had taken root in the foreigner's district of Erothin. I immediately felt how the world around me began to dwindle away. The vision in which I was caught seems to dissolve. Was this really a test?
Storyline quests
Shadow and Light
Act I: The Road to Power
Work in the Mine • Karick's Helm Problem • Under Siege • Journey to the Abbey • On to the Sanctum • The Pilgrimage • A Glance to the Stars • The Path of the Gifted • The Candidate of the City Guard • Critical Discharge • Into the Forsaken Country • Encounter
Act II:Time for Decisions
The Escape • In Safe Hands • The Ruins of Treomar • In the Underworld • Daring the Sortie • A Mad Venture
Act III: One will Fall
The Chains of the Deep • Soul of the Sword • The Leader Returns • The Liberation • The Chancellor's Fate • The Forgotten Fortress
Act IV: The Beginning of the End
Journey into Madness • Unexpected Difficulties • Search in Ruins • Inside the Lion's Den • Getting out! • The Professional • Shots for Freedom • The Decisive Moment • Impotence of the Almighty
Act V: The Destination of Fate
The Help of the Fallen • The Sins of our Fathers • Into the Sky • Hope at the End of the World • At Fate's Edge
The Shadow God
The Halls of Shadow • The Stone in the Ruins • The Stone at the Pirates • The Stone of the Juggler • The Task of Fathoming • In the Jail of Souls • Sustain or Destruction