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Microsoft Azure Copilot Preview in the Cloud to Support you

Azure Copilot

Microsoft Copilot in Azure (preview) is an AI-powered tool to help you do more with Azure. With Microsoft Copilot in Azure, you can gain new insights, discover more benefits of the cloud, and orchestrate across both cloud and edge. Copilot leverages Large Language Models (LLMs), the Azure control plane, and insights about your Azure environment to help you work more efficiently.

You can try Copilot now in the Microsoft Azure portal in Preview !

Click on Copilot and click on Next.

Give your feedback.

Click on Try Copilot.

Now you can use Azure Copilot Preview.

for example, show me all running Virtual Machines.

Here you find the Microsoft Azure Copilot capabilities

Prompt engineering is the process of designing prompts that elicit the best and most accurate responses from large language models (LLMs) like Microsoft Copilot in Azure (preview). As these models become more sophisticated, understanding how to create effective prompts becomes even more essential. Read here more about Write effective prompts for Microsoft Copilot in Azure


Microsoft Azure Copilot preview can be very handy to support you with deployments, troubleshooting in Azure Cloud services and
Hybrid with Azure Arc. Time to market and going live in production can be quicker because you don’t have to search yourself for the right command or scripts. Copilot will be smarter and more efficient, and you can learn from Copilot approaches. You are still in control because you have to check it if Copilot advise is the right thing to do. Try it yourself and experience the Azure Copilot Preview version πŸ˜‰

Join the Azure Copilot and Microsoft Security Copilot LinkedIn Community Group




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Keep your Azure Connected Machine Agent Version Up-to-Date and your Extensions too

Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Azure Arc enabled Server

The Azure Connected Machine agent receives improvements on an ongoing basis. To stay up to date with the most recent developments, this article provides you with information about:

  • The latest releases
  • Known issues
  • Bug fixes

Here you find more information about each new release of the Azure Connected Machine Agent

Further more, keep also your Azure Arc enabled Extensions up-to-date for your Azure Hybrid Services.

Automatic extension upgrade supports the following extensions at this moment:

  • Azure Monitor agent – Linux and Windows
  • Log Analytics agent (OMS agent) – Linux only
  • Dependency agent – Linux and Windows
  • Azure Security agent – Linux and Windows
  • Key Vault Extension – Linux only
  • Azure Update Manager – Linux and Windows
  • Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker – Linux and Windows
  • Azure extension for SQL Server – Linux and Windows

More extensions will be added over time. Extensions that do not support automatic extension upgrade today are still configured to enable automatic upgrades by default. This setting will have no effect until the extension publisher chooses to support automatic upgrades. So have a look at your manual upgrade extensions too!

Here you find more information about Azure Arc extensions for your Servers.

Update your Azure Arc enabled Server Extensions.

Some are not Automatic Upgraded by Default!

Updating the Azure Arc enabled Server Extensions.
Important Message:

Don’t forget Migrate to Azure Monitor Agent from Log Analytics agent

Updating the Azure Arc enabled Server Extensions Succeeded.

Keep your Azure components Up-to-date πŸ˜‰

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Running CBL-Mariner 2.0 Azure Linux on Hyper-V for Docker Container Host and Azure CLI

CBL-Mariner Linux is a lightweight operating system, containing only the packages needed for a cloud environment. CBL-Mariner can be customized through custom packages and tools, to fit the requirements of your application. CBL-Mariner undergoes Azure validation tests, is compatible with Azure agents, and is built and tested by the Azure Edge & Platform to power various use cases, ranging from Azure services to powering IoT infrastructure. CBL-Mariner is the internally recommended Linux distribution for use with Microsoft cloud services and related products.

In the following steps we are going to install CBL-Mariner 2.0 on Hyper-V as a virtual Docker Container Host.
First you have to download CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux) ISO here

Enable Secure Boot Template: Microsoft UEFI Certificate Authority

When you have made your Virtual Machine on Microsoft Hyper-V, you have to change the Security Boot Template from Microsoft Windows to Microsoft UEFI Certificate Authority and then you can boot from the ISO.

Select the Installation Experience
I used the Graphical Installer,
Select Next.

Default is the installation type: CBL-Mariner Core

I selected Installation type: CBL-Mariner Full

Read and Accept the CBL-Mariner Eula.

Here you can Partition your Storage.


Enter the Computer hostname and Create a User account.

Install Now.

Installing CBL-Mariner 2.0 on the VM.

And yes It’s fast πŸ˜‰

Login with your new created user account.

It’s a habbit of my to update always the OS before doing other installations, so in the next steps we are going to upgrade to the latest updates since the ISO is released. Then we are going to install Azure-CLI and Docker Host for Containers.

Type the Command: Sudo dnf upgrade

The OS is now asking a couple of times if it’s OK to install.

Installing of Packages to update the System.

Upgrade of CBL-Mariner 2.0 is Completed.

Installing Microsoft Azure-CLI on CBL-Mariner 2.0

The Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a cross-platform command-line tool to connect to Azure and execute administrative commands on Azure resources. It allows the execution of commands through a terminal using interactive command-line prompts or a script. Here you can find more about Microsoft Azure-CLI


First, we install the ca-certificates
we install Microsoft Azure-CLI 

       type Y if this is OK.

Azure-CLI is installed.

The Latest Microsoft Azure-CLI is running on your up-to-date CBL-Mariner VM.

Type command: cat /etc/os-release
and you can see the exact version of CBL-Mariner 2.0

Installing Docker Container host on CBL-Mariner 2.0

Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security lets you run many containers simultaneously on a given host. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so you don’t need to rely on what’s installed on the host. You can share containers while you work, and be sure that everyone you share with gets the same container that works in the same way.

Docker provides tooling and a platform to manage the lifecycle of your containers:

  • Develop your application and its supporting components using containers.
  • The container becomes the unit for distributing and testing your application.
  • When you’re ready, deploy your application into your production environment, as a container or an orchestrated service. This works the same whether your production environment is a local data center, a cloud provider, or a hybrid of the two.

Now we are going to install the Docker Container host software on Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux):

Type Command: sudo tdnf install moby-engine moby-cli ca-certificates -y

Type command: sudo systemctl enable docker.service

Type command: sudo systemctl start docker.service
and then
type command: sudo systemctl status docker.service

Now you can pull or create your containers from here for example:
Type Command: docker run -it -d –name my_container ubuntu bash

Here I’m inside the Ubuntu Linux Container running on CBL-Mariner 2.0 with Docker Container Host.

Docker Container Ubuntu image.

More information about Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 you can find here:

Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux) on Github

Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux) Security

Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux) Toolkit docs


Running Microsoft CBL-Mariner 2.0 (Azure Linux) on Azure Stack HCI Hyper-V Cluster or in Microsoft Azure Cloud can be very powerfull as a lightweight Linux operating system at the Edge. Now we did running Docker Container Host on CBL-Mariner 2.0 (AzureLinux) but you can also install Microsoft Azure Arc agent to use this Operating System in a Adaptive Cloud way for Azure Hybrid Management and security. Try it yourself first in your test lab and when you have build a great security by design solution, use it in production for your business.

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Add Kubernetes Cluster to Microsoft Azure Arc #Containers #AzureHybrid

Microsoft Azure Arc Services for Adaptive Cloud

Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes allows you to attach Kubernetes clusters running anywhere so that you can manage and configure them in Azure. By managing all of your Kubernetes resources in a single control plane, you can enable a more consistent development and operation experience to run cloud-native apps anywhere and on any Kubernetes platform.
Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes works with any Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) certified Kubernetes clusters. This includes clusters running on other public cloud providers (such as GCP or AWS) and clusters running on your on-premises data center (such as VMware vSphere or Azure Stack HCI).

In the following step-by step installation, we are going to connect a Kubernetes Cluster with Azure Arc services.

Add Kubernetes Cluster

Before you begin, you need this prerequisites

Extension add

the Extension was already installed.

Here you set the subscription and resource group first.
Cluster name in Azure and the Microsoft Azure Region.
and at last, the network connectivity method, in my scenario a public endpoint.

you can add your tags.

Here you can select your script type Bash or PowerShell
Then download your script.

Azure login

Enter the code and login your Azure subscription.

You now have signed in.

Check these Provider registrations (requirement)

Running the bash script.

Starting to install Azure Arc agents on the Kubernetes Cluster.

In Azure Portal, Kubecluster is connected to Azure.

kubectl get pods -n azure-arc

Kubecluster Overview in Azure portal.

the kubecluster is Azure Arc enabled and running. πŸ™‚

Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes with Azure Monitor options.

Azure ArcNetworking extension for loadbalancer service.

Arc Enabled kubernetes Cluster features.
Azure provides an automated application deployments capability using GitOps 

Try your Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes Cluster Today first in your test lab and see all the features you can use for your environment.
Join Containers in the Cloud Community on Linkedin

Join Azure Hybrid Community on Linkedin

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Windows Server 2025 watch on demand Windows Server Summit 2024

All the recordings of the Microsoft Windows Server Summit 2024 event sessions are available on YouTube.
You can watch them on demand here

Here are some highlights of the Windows Server Summit 2024 event which I picked out:

Full Stack Native NVMe Support

Container Flexibility

SMB in Windows and Windows Server 2025

The Intel Xeon Processor Designed for AI

You can Upgrade to Windows Server 2025 via Windows Update.

Windows Server 2025 Security.

Delegated Managed Service Account.

Hotpatching for Windows Server 2025

Watch The evolution of Windows Authentication by Ned Pyle

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Running Nano Server Insider Container on Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build 26080

Installing Docker on Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build 26080.1

During the Microsoft Windows Server Summit 2024 I got inspired to run a Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build and do something with Microsoft WinGet because this is now default installed on the latest Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build.

So with the following command, I installed Docker on the Window Server Insider Preview Build version 26080:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing β€œ” -o install-docker-ce.ps1

Docker running on Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build.

Here I’m pulling NanoServer Insider 26080 image.

With the following command:

docker pull

the NanoServer Insider container image is in the repository.

So now is Microsoft Windows Package Manager (WinGet) tool handy on this Windows Server Insider Build, because I like to have Microsoft Visual Studio Code Installed to play with Windows Nano Server Insider Container.

First I did a Winget upgrade –all

with Winget search vscode you get the list
To install Visual Studio Code with Winget:
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode

Visual Studio Code is installing.

Visual Studio Code is Installed.

I installed the Docker extension in VSCode.

Microsoft Windows Nano Server Insider Image version 26080 in VSCode.

Running Nano Server Insider Container on Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build.

On the Container host is a virtual Nat adapter for
the containers the gateway.


This is not for production environment but for testing and learning only with new Microsoft technologies.

More information about running Containers on Windows Servers

Become Microsoft Windows Server Insider

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#Microsoft Windows Server Summit 2024 #Winserv #Hyperv #HybridIT

Don’t miss this Awesome Microsoft Windows Server Summit 2024 virtual event to get the latest and Greatest information powered by the Engineering team!

When: March 26-28, 2024. Mark your Calendar πŸ˜‰

Topic wise: it will be wide ranging covering all the new goodness of Windows Server 2025, on-prem and Hybrid scenarios, Azure Arc, Identity, Virtualization, SMB updates and more! 
Here you can find more information: Windows Server Summit 2024

Get started Today with Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build in your test environment!

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Updating my MVPLAB with Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build 26040

Microsoft Windows Server 2025 Datacenter Insider Preview Build 26040

Microsoft released a new Windows Server Insider preview Build 26040 on January 26th and changed Windows Server vNext name into Microsoft Windows Server 2025!

So time to update my MVPLAB domain stack.local.

I’m updating my domain controller from build 26010 to 26040.

Before we can move further, we have to run adprep.

Run adprep from the new ISO on the Domain controller.
by Typing C and enter it will run.

Schema upgrade from 90 to 91

adprep /domainprep.

Adprep successfully updated.

After this click on refresh in the Windows Server Setup if you have this still open.


I want to keep my files, settings and apps on my domain controller.
Click on Install

Installing Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build 26040

Don’t turn off your machine. πŸ˜‰

Microsoft Windows Server 2025 Datacenter Insider Preview Build 26040
is running as my Domain Controller.

Don’t forget the last updates.

Running Schema object version 91.

Here you can find more information about Windows Server 2025 Insider Preview Build 26040

Follow Jeff Woolsey on X (Twitter) here

Follow Ned Pyle on X (Twitter) here

Get started by joining Windows Server Insider program

Make your Windows Servers Hybrid with Microsoft Azure Arc
for more Hybrid IT management Benefits

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Download the Windows 11 Security Book: Powerful #security by Design

Here you can download the Free Windows 11 Security E-book

How Secure are your devices?

Make it more secure by design with Windows 11 and do security assessments / scans for vulnerabilities on your pc’s in your company.
I hope this free E-Book will give you more security insights.

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Happy Holidays

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year 2024!
Thank you for all your support in the Community.

Join these Free LinkedIn Community Groups during the Holidays and keep up-to-date πŸ˜‰

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