The Dark Side Of Dubai

Godfrey The Great
13 min readMay 21, 2024

Everything about Dubai screams two things:


And opulence.

All the way from the height of the tallest skyscraper in the world, The Burj Khalifa, to the supercars that the police force drive to catch criminals.

From the outside, Dubai looks like a materialistic paradise.

And this is all done deliberately.

In 2023, over 17 million people visited Dubai from other countries.

Without its image as the center of Middle Eastern capitalism, they wouldn’t be such a popular tourist destination.

But do you know who is primarily responsible for this spike in tourism?

The answer:

Internet influencers.

There’s been a shift in the internet matrix.

Where once Los Angeles was the prime place to live if you wanted a career in show business, it’s now Dubai.

The biggest internet influencers in the world all seem to live in Dubai now.

Making people who aspire to become like the influencers they follow descend on the city in…



Godfrey The Great

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