compound action potential

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compound action potential

the combined potentials resulting from activation of the auditory division of the eighth cranial nerve.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

com·pound ac·tion po·ten·tial

(kom'pownd ak'shŭn pŏ-ten'shăl)
The combined potentials resulting from activation of the auditory division of the eighth cranial nerve.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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ECAP and EABR thresholds and wave eV latencies obtained in EABR thresholds Mean[+ or -]Standard ECAP EABR Deviation threshold (CU) threshold (CU) Basal electrode 171.5[+ or -]11.38 169.69[+ or -]12.17 Medial electrode 169.69[+ or -]20.32 165.62[+ or -]16.41 Apical electrode 160.81[+ or -]20.03 160[+ or -]15.49 Mean[+ or -]Standard Wave eV latency at Deviation threshold (msec) Basal electrode 4.88[+ or -]0.4 Medial electrode 4.58[+ or -]0.32 Apical electrode 4.53[+ or -]0.35 ECAP: electrically compound action potentials; EABR: electrically evoked auditory brainstem response; CU: current unit; msec: millisecond Table 2.
Using evoked compound action potentials to assess activation of electrodes and predict c-levels in the tempo+ cochlear implant speech processor.
sidoides (EOL) and thymol on conduction velocity of compound action potential component.
This study demonstrates that EOAZ depresses the amplitude and conduction velocity of the compound action potential (CAP) of the sciatic nerve.
Effects of estragole on the compound action potential of the rat sciatic nerve.
[7,8] They found that perfusion of air into the scala tympani resulted in a drastic decrease in the cochlear microphonics and in the amplitude of the compound action potential. [7] The endocochlear DC potential, however, seemed to be highly resistant to air and was not affected until the duration of the perfusion exceeded 30 minutes.
There is no temporal dispersion or conduction block.4 GBS differs from CIP with considerable prolongation of impulse conduction dispersed compound action potentials or of conduction block.