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a container made of material woven together, or something resembling such a container.
Dormia basket a tiny apparatus consisting of four wires that can be advanced through an endoscope into a body cavity or tube, manipulated to trap a calculus or other object, and withdrawn.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A basketlike arborization of the axon of cells in the cerebellar cortex, surrounding the cell body of Purkinje cells.
2. Any basketlike device or structure.
[M.E., from Celtic]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. A basketlike arborization of the axon of cells in the cerebellar cortex, surrounding the cell body of Purkinje cells.
2. Any basketlike structure.
[M.E., from Celtic]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Souness must grapple with Laurent The Lip, a basketful of injuries and broken morale before a nation tunes in tomorrow to witness our pain.
"The Viognier grape produces a wine with the taste of a basketful of freshly picked apricots mixed with candied peel," comments Terry.
You know, woman hunts out healthiest clumps of broccoli while embarrassed man stands 40 paces away holding a basketful of Healthy Options under a sign that describes exactly how he sees himself: As a Fruit and a Vegetable.
Oscar Wilde's only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray is concreted together by a basketful of famous one-liners but this has to be the phrase which glues the play together.
After going to chapel for a Thanksgiving service, where our two sons had taken part and received symbolic bulbs to plant, we had taken a basketful of fruit to a former chapel member now living in a residential home.
"A love that dare not speak its name." Oscar Wilde's only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray is concreted together by a basketful of famous one-liners but this has to be the phrase which glues the play together.
What we need is a basketful of wicked solutions to resolve a basketful of wicked problems.
Each country went home with a basketful of goodies and huge promises of future development.
One of the government's 'basketful of solutions' to the traffic problem - the Metro Manila Subway - is finally becoming a reality.
Plan International's anti-FGM programme coordinator in Tharaka Faith Mpara notes that the vice is practiced with high secrecy, enabling the perpetrators to evade detection."Those who are circumcised at home remain indoors all the time and in case the parents learn that administrators may have a clue, the girls are asked to painfully sit down outside and are given a basketful of millet which they pretend to be sorting the entire day," said Ms Mpara.
Cole took the stage at the Harro East Ballroom for less than five minutes just enough time to draw a raffle ticket for a basketful of lottery chances.