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A regional term for a spherical mass of crack cocaine.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Wehrie (Professor of History, Eastern Illinois University--Charleston) is an extraordinary and seminal study of an iconic baseball player. A seminal and original body of impressive research that is deftly organized and presented, "Breaking Babe Ruth" is an impressively informed and informative work that is unreservedly recommended for both community and academic library collections.
In the equation, Sal is a baseball player's salary, P is the baseball player's performance, C represents the characteristics of the player and team, and Nat is nationality.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the preferences of female baseball players regarding the differences between baseball and fastpitch softball.
"You know, for years baseball players did not change teams, they didn't really have free agency for decades.
One such area that has been neglected by baseball scholars is the significant increase in the number of Latino baseball players within MLB.
Villa were in danger of dropping out of the First Division when American entrepreneur Albert Spalding took Major League baseball players on a world tour which stopped off in Britain.
At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday, Lady Smith told the former semi-pro baseball player: "You were fully aware of what you were doing."
Samuel, though, was the first baseball player from San Pedro de Marcoris to make it.
One young man is a promising baseball player with a severe stutter.