

Orthopedics A fibrin sealant which ↓ bleeding during total knee and total hip replacement surgery. See Fibrin sealant.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In 2009 Mr Belcuore agreed to take part in a clinical trial, but during the procedure Prof Richardson used a device known as a Quixil contrary to manufacturer Johnson and Johnson's guidelines.
Over five weeks, the tribunal heard allegations Prof Richardson had failed to provide good clinical care, had not properly informed Mr Belcuore about the Quixil device being used and had failed to get proper consent for its use.
It will hear that he used a Quixil Device, to which he had made significant modifications.
Shrewsbury Magistrates Court heard Quixil - an advanced surgical blood clotting agent - was used during the operation and was supplied to the hospital by pharmaceutical giants Johnson and Johnson.
Patricia West, aged 55, and Eileen Clarke, aged 31, both suffered fatal reactions after being given Quixil during surgery at the Royal Orthopedic Hospital, in Northfield.
The Birmingham inquest was told that during the operations, the Quixil sealant was used on both women and they were also given the anti-sickness drug prochlarperazine.
An inquiry later found that Quixil had been used in the treatment of both Patricia West, 55, and Eileen Clarke, 31,
A spokesman for Quixil's Belgian manufacturer, Omrix, said: "We still believe our product is safe."