bracket fungi

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bracket fungi

FUNGI in the BASIDIOMYCOTA which project from infected trees or rotting logs in the form of brackets or shelves.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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In the corner of the room, bracket fungi, painted with phosphorescent colors, radiated under the black light.
Habitat type x Old living supressed-sized trees * Old dead large-sized trees (0/1) ** Habitat type x Old dead large- sized trees * Old dead supressed-sized trees (0/1) *** Lying big dead wood (debris) (0/1) ** Lying dead wood in many decay stages (0/1) ** ** Multi-stemmed trees (0/1) ** Supporting/exposed roots (0/1) Holes in trunks (0/1) * *** Bracket fungi (0/1) Habitat type x Bracket fungi Woodpecker (0/1) Signs of forest fire (0/1) N.S.
sanguineus hosted the same number of ciid species at FLONA/SFP, although 59 occurrences of ciids were recorded from the former species, 1 of the commonest bracket fungi in the study area, and only 15 occurrences were recorded from Pyc.
The summer dry season has subdued the mushroom population, but as we walk and my mind becomes more focused they soon pop into view: bracket fungi growing like ledges across a fallen log, a fragile cupcapped mushroom camouflaged in leaf litter.
That may be a bit over the top, but these lumpy bracket fungi are now a valuable ingredient in beauty aids, particularly aimed at Asian customers.