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A highly interactive smartphone launched by Apple in 2007 which provides multiple functions as well as access to 200,000+ third-party 'apps', including medical utilities for CME/CPD, remote patient monitoring, Medscape, etc.
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WITH tiresome inevitability, Apple's 3G iPhone goes on sale today amid rumours of under-supply, shortages and colossal demand.
Apple's 16GB 3G iPhone proves an even bigger hit than the original.
"Our latest channel checks point to a significant production build of a 3G iPhone beginning in the month of June after an initial small build in May," he said.
Skype has also added higher quality sound to the new release of its 3G iPhone app.
Device Requirements: * 3G iPhone and iPod touch
* Requires iPhone OS 3.1 or later
When Apple launched its 3G iPhone in 2008, the computer giant redefined the market.
The Navionics Mobile package interacts with GPS onboard the latest 3G iPhone to turn the unit into a mini chart-plotter.
Despite tough comparisons with the previous year because of the launch of the 3G iPhone in July 2008 - mobile connections rose 2% to 5.9 million.
In Carphone's retail arm, which is now part of a joint venture with US consumer electronics giant Best Buy, connections grew 2% to 3.17m on a year-on-year basis, despite tough comparatives due to the launch of the 3G iPhone last July.
AT&T Inc, iPhone s exclusive carrier in the United States, said in June its costs to sell the new version of the iPhone would be similar to those for the original 3G iPhone, which pressured its profits last year.
Almost seven million 3G iPhones, whose growing number of fans include socialite Paris Hilton, left, flew off shelves in the three months after it went on sale in July.