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Warnings & Suspensions#

The warning system allows you to create pre-defined warnings that can be issued against users who behave in an undesirable manner. Based on defined warning points, automatic suspensions can also be applied - such as a temporary suspension of the user account.

Warning Points#

Each warning generates a fixed number of warning points. These points are added to the points account of the respective user when a warning is issued. If a user reaches a specified point value, predefined suspensions can be applied automatically.


When issuing warnings against a user, predefined warnings can be used or alternatively an individual warning can be created.

To create a predefined warning, go to the admin panel on Users → Warnings → Predefined Warnings and click on the button Add Predefined Warning.

The following input fields are available when creating predefined warnings as well as individual warnings:

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title for the warning.
Points Set the warning points to be credited to the user's points account.
Expires Specify the expiration date of the warning. When the warning expires, the defined warning points are deducted from the user's points account.
Reason Specify a reason for the warning.


Suspensions are automatically applied as soon as the defined value of warning points is reached by a user.

To create a predefined suspension, go to Users → Warnings → Predefined Suspensions in the admin panel and click on the button Add Predefined Suspension.

The following input fields are available when creating a predefined suspension:

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title for the suspension.
Points Define the warning points at which this suspension should be applied.
Expires Specify the expiration date of the suspension. After the expiration date, the defined type of suspension is withdrawn.
Suspension Type Select the type of suspension to be applied once the specified points are reached.