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User Management#

With the user management you can manage the users of your community and create new users.

Create User#

To create a user, go to Users → Users → Users in the admin panel and click on the button Add User. In the following form you fill in the required input fields (username, e-mail address, password) and confirm the creation with a click on Submit.

Search Users#

In the admin panel under Users → Users → Users you will find a list of all users registered in your community.

To find a specific user, you can search for the username using the search function in the admin panel.

Search Users

Alternatively, you can use the menu under Users → Users → Search Users to find a form that allows you to search for users by any criteria.

Search Users 2

Manage Users Via Context Menu#

Click on the Edit button next to a user in the list of users to open the context menu. The context menu provides you with all important functions to manage a user. This includes deleting the user, deleting content or editing the user account.

Context Menu

To manage multiple users simultaneously, you can select the checkbox to the left of the users and then use the button at the bottom right to select an action to be applied to all users selected in this way.