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Custom User Fields#

Custom user fields allow you to define additional input fields that you want your users to query when they register or edit their user profile. The values recorded in this way can be displayed in the user profile or in the sidebar of forum posts.

Manage Custom User Fields#

The custom user field management can be found in the admin panel under Users → Custom User Fields → Custom User Fields. There you can manage the existing custom user fields and create your own user fields if required.

Create Custom User Fields#

To create a custom user field go to Users → Custom User Fields → Custom User Fields in the admin panel and click on the button Add Custom User Field.

The following input fields are available when creating a custom user field:

Field Name Description
Name Enter a name for the user field.
Description Enter a description for the user field.
Category Select a category for the user field.
Display Order Set the position in the list of user fields.
Option Type Select the type of user field. For example, text creates an input field for single-line text.
Default Value Optionally specify a value with which the created input field should be pre-selected.
Select Options For input fields with choices (for example select), you can specify the options available for selection.
PHP Class Name for Output For developers: PHP class to be used to format the output in the user profile.
Access Here you can configure who has access to the input field and where it should be displayed.