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Notices are special messages that can be displayed to users on all pages of your community and allow you to alert your users to important information.

Manage Notices#

The notice management can be found in the admin panel under Users → Notices → Notices. There you can manage the existing notices and create your own notices if required.

Create Notices#

To create a notice go to Users → Notices → Notices in the admin panel and click on the button Add Notice.

The following input fields are available when creating a notice:

Field Name Description
Name Enter a name for the notice.
Notice Specify a text to be displayed as a notice. You can personalize the text using the placeholders {$username} and {$email}, which are replaced with the name or email address of the user viewing the notice.
Enable HTML code in notice Can be activated if you want to use HTML code in the text.
Display Order Defines the order in case more than one notice is displayed on one page. The notice with the lowest value is displayed first.
Appearance Defines the way the notices is displayed.
Disable notice Disables the notice.
User can dismiss notice Specifies that users can hide this notice permanently if desired.
Conditions These settings allow you to optionally restrict the display of the notice to certain pages and certain criteria. By default, a notice is displayed on all pages and for all users.