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Reaction Types#

Manage Reaction Types#

The management of the reaction types can be found in the admin panel under Customization → Reactions → Reaction Types. There you can manage the existing entries and create new reaction types if necessary. You can also sort the existing reaction types by drag and drop.

Create Reaction Types#

To create a reaction type go to the admin panel on Customization → Reactions → Reaction Types and click on the button Add Reaction Type.

The following input fields are available when creating a reaction type:

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title for the reaction type.
Position Set the position in the list of reaction types.
Allow use If a reaction cannot be used, users cannot react with the reaction. If the reaction has already been applied to a content, it is still visible to users.
Reaction File Upload an image here that represents the reaction.

Like System#

If only one type of reaction exists, no pop-up appears when selecting a reaction, but the reaction is assigned directly. So it is possible to create a simple like system.