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Paid Subscriptions#

A great way to monetize your community can be to sell paid subscriptions to your users. In return, users receive certain benefits such as access to certain features or areas that are not available to other users.

When a user purchases a paid subscription, he or she is added to one or more defined user groups. You can configure these user groups to have additional permissions or provide access to additional areas of the forum.


The paid subscriptions feature must first be activated in the admin panel under Configuration → Options → General → Payments. At least one payment provider must also be activated and configured there. In case of PayPal, the email address of your PayPal account must be provided and the instant payment notification (IPN) must be configured in your PayPal account.

Manage Paid Subscriptions#

The paid subscription management can be found in the admin panel under Users → Paid Subscriptions → Paid Subscriptions. There you can manage the existing paid subscriptions and create your own paid subscriptions if required.

Create Paid Subscriptions#

To create a paid subscription go to Users → Paid Subscriptions → Paid Subscriptions in the admin panel and click on the button Add Subscription.

The following input fields are available when creating a paid subscription:

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title for the paid subscription.
Description Enter a description for the paid subscription.
Display Order Defines the order in case more than one paid subscription is displayed on one page. The paid subscription with the lowest value is displayed first.
Disable subscription Disables the possibility to purchase this paid subscription.
Cost Set the price for this paid subscription.
Length Define the duration of this paid subscription.
User Groups Select one or more user groups to which a buyer should be assigned after purchasing this paid subscription.