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With the help of the media management, images, documents and other files can be uploaded directly and used within the entire site. It doesn't matter if you want to use them in a CMS page or a forum post, uploaded media are available to administrators anytime and anywhere.

In addition, media can be assigned to individual languages and provided with separate captions. This is helpful for finding previously uploaded media and serves as a simple orientation for pages with multilingual content to select the correct language version. Unlike file attachments, media can be uploaded, used, edited and deleted by all administrators.

Manage Media#

You can find the management of the media in the admin panel under Contents → Media → Media. There you can manage the existing media as well as add your own media with the button Upload.

The following input fields are available when editing media:

Field Name Description
Enable Multilingualism (Only for multilingual installations) Defines whether this medium should be used multilingual.
Language (Only for multilingual installations) Assigns the medium to the selected language, e.g. useful for images containing language-dependent text.
Title Enter a title for this medium.
Caption (For images only) Enter a caption for this medium.
Enable HTML code in caption (Only for images) Enables the use of HTML code in the caption.
Alternate Text (For images only) Enter an alternative text for this medium.
Content Can be Accessed by Everyone Specify which users and groups can access this media.

Use Media#

Media can be embedded into the text using the Media button in the built-in WYSIWYG editor - for example when writing forum posts. In addition, you can select images from the stored media when creating boxes and articles.