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Directory Structure#

This guide describes the necessary steps for a subsequent change of the directory structure or domain.


This article is intended for customers who run the software independently on their own server or web hosting.

Furthermore, the article requires technical knowledge and is intended exclusively for server administrators. As a layman you should not make any direct changes to the file system or the database of a WoltLab Suite installation!

Change Domain#

If you only want to change the domain of your installation, it is already sufficient to call up the admin panel via the new domain. In this case, the system recognizes that it was called via a new domain and offers you to change the domain.

In exceptional cases, the new domain can also be stored directly via the database table wcf1_application using the columns domainName and cookieDomain. Additionally the content of the folder cache in the installation directory of the WoltLab Suite Core must be emptied to make the changes to the database effective.

Change the Directory Structure#

The following example describes how to change the directory structure in an installation consisting of the core and the forum. The forum was previously accessible via the subdirectory /forum/ and should now be accessible via the main directory.

App PackageID Old Directory New Directory
Core 1 / /core/
Forum 4 /forum/ /

Step 1: Move Files#

Moving files at directory level can be done via FTP program or command line command.

First move all files and directories except the directory forum from the main directory to a new subdirectory called core. Then move all files and directories from the subdirectory forum to the main directory. The empty subdirectory forum is no longer needed and can be deleted.

Step 2: Adjust Database#

In the database table wcf1_application the value of the column domainPath must be changed from / to /core/ for the record with packageID=1 and from /forum/ to / for the record with packageID=4.

Furthermore, in the database table wcf1_package the value of the column packageDir for the record with packageID=4 must be changed from forum/ to ../.

Step 3: Edit Config File#

Finally the configuration file of the forum ( in the main directory must be adapted.

The following line

if (!defined('RELATIVE_WCF_DIR')) define('RELATIVE_WCF_DIR', RELATIVE_WBB_DIR.'../');
must be modified as follows:
if (!defined('RELATIVE_WCF_DIR')) define('RELATIVE_WCF_DIR', RELATIVE_WBB_DIR.'core/');

Step 4: Delete Cache#

The content of the folder cache in the installation directory of the WoltLab Suite Core must be emptied for the changes to the database to take effect.