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With the help of boxes you can easily add additional content to pages. Boxes can contain both text content and dynamic content generated from user-generated content.

Create Boxes#

You can create a new box by clicking on the button Add Box in the admin panel under Contents → CMS → Boxes. You will first be asked what type the box should be and whether the box should be multilingual. Then you can specify a name, the desired positioning and the contents of the box.

The Text box type allows you to enter the contents of the box quickly and easily using the built-in WYSIWYG editor. Alternatively, you can use the HTML or Template box types to use HTML code or template scripting code to format the content. With the System box type, the content of the box can be generated dynamically based on various data, such as forum posts.

Create Box

Edit Boxes#

To edit an existing box, go to the admin panel Contents → CMS → Boxes and click on the respective box.

Edit Box

If you move the mouse over the box in the frontend while you are logged in as administrator, an icon with a link is also displayed, which leads you directly to edit the respective box.

Edit Boxes via Frontend

Available Positions#

Boxes can be shown at 10 different positions, these positions are available on all pages. The blue box in the middle represents the normal page content, the space for the positions is only used if there are actually boxes in them.

Available Positions

Example: Box with text content (Monolingual)#

  1. In the admin panel under Content → CMS → Boxes click on the button Add Box.

  2. Select the Text box type and click Next.

  3. Fill out the input fields in the General Information tab as follows:

    Name: Specify a name for the box.

    Position: Select on which position the box should be displayed.

    (leave the other input fields unchanged)

  4. In the Contents tab, enter a title and the text content for the box that is to be used to display the box. Optionally, you can also select an image for the box.

  5. In the Pages tab, optionally specify on which pages the box should be displayed. By default a box is displayed on all pages.

  6. In the Restricted Access tab, specify which users have access to the box. By default, all users have access to the box.

  7. Save the box with a click on Submit.

Example: Box with Forum Posts#

  1. In the admin panel under Content → CMS → Boxes click on the button Add Box.

  2. Select the System box type and click Next.

  3. Fill out the input fields in the General Information tab as follows:

    Name: Specify a name for the box.

    Controller: Select Threads.

    Position: Select on which position the box should be displayed.

    (leave the other input fields unchanged)

  4. In the Contents tab, specify a title for the box that is to be used to display the box. If you are using a multilingual installation, the title must be specified for all installed languages.

  5. In the Pages tab, optionally specify on which pages the box should be displayed. By default a box is displayed on all pages.

  6. In the Restricted Access tab, specify which users have access to the box. By default, all users have access to the box.

  7. Save the box with a click on Submit.