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IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter

#1 May 2019 | IAU100 Issue #6 

In this newsletter:

0) From the Editors
1) New Scaled-Down Poster Version of the IAU100 Above and Beyond Exhibition Released
2) Astronomy for Peace and Global Citizenship in Cyprus
3) IAU100 Celebrates the 2019 UNESCO International Day of Light
4) Event in Rome Celebrates 100 Years of the IAU, Italian astronomy and the Vatican Observatory
5) Rock and Astronomy Under the Sky Concert
6) Celebrating The Year of Indigenous Languages with Astronomy
7) New Book about the IAU Published
8) IAU100 Endorsed Projects Applications

9) Meetings & Global Events
10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in other Languages

11) Contributions to IAU Outreach Newsletter


0) From the Editors

Dear friends and colleagues,

In this issue, we would like to highlight the new scale down poster version of the IAU100 Above and Beyond Exhibition, the "Astronomy for Peace and Global Citizenship" IAU100 project in Cyprus and the Year of Indigenous Languages celebrations. 

We would like to send a special reminder about our upcoming milestones: the celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of the 1919 Solar Eclipse, used to test Einstein's general relativity theory and 50 years later, in 1969, the world watched as the first person set foot on the Moon. Special activities are being planned to celebrate each milestone.  

Wishing you all clear skies and happy celebrations!
Lina Canas, on behalf of the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach Team   
Jorge Rivero, on behalf of the IAU Secretariat

1) New Scaled-Down Poster Version of the IAU100 Above and Beyond Exhibition Released

A new set of twelve posters have been created as a scaled-down version of the IAU100 Above and Beyond Exhibition. This version of the exhibition is well suited for display at meetings, universities, schools, societies and other venues.

For more information, please check: 

2) Astronomy for Peace and Global Citizenship in Cyprus

The Columba-Hypatia: Astronomy for Peace project takes place on the divided island of Cyprus and aims to inspire children to be curious about science and the cosmos while promoting a feeling of global citizenship and a culture of Peace and non-Violence.

Find out more at 

3) IAU100 Celebrates the 2019 UNESCO International Day of Light

The IAU100 Dark Skies for All project aims to raise awareness of the preservation of quiet and dark skies in coordination with the UNESCO International Day of Light, celebrated last 16 May 2019. In commemoration of this IAU100-special International Day of Light, Dark Skies for All is distributing 100 Turn on the Night kits in 50 countries worldwide.

Find out more: 

4) Event in Rome Celebrates 100 Years of the IAU, Italian astronomy and the Vatican Observatory

As part of the IAU100 celebrations, high-level officials from the IAU and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) gathered in Rome, to discuss the IAU, Italian astronomy and the Vatican Observatory over the past 100 years. It is also twenty years since the foundation of INAF.

Find out more: 

5) Rock and Astronomy Under the Sky Concert

On Friday 10 May the IAU100 special project "Rock and Astronomy Under the Sky Event" featured various talks, sky observations and a musical astronomy festival free and open access for audiences of all ages and musical tastes.

More information: 

6) Celebrating The Year of Indigenous Languages with Astronomy

Help raise awareness of the alarming rate languages around the world are disappearing by highlighting the importance of astronomical knowledge of indigenous peoples and inspire other regions to take actions for the appreciation of our cultural diversity. Hear the "100 Years Under One Sky" recited by native speakers in Garífuna, Miskito and Tol, indigenous languages from Honduras in Central America. And also Northern Thai and Yong language, a Thai indigenous language with a different phonetic from Northern Thai language.

If you want to be involved in the project, you can reach us at
Visit the Astronomy Translation Network (ATN) Official Website and discover more about the project. 

7) New Book about the IAU Published

A new book, entitled "The International Astronomical Union — Uniting the Community for 100 Years", has been published by Springer. In this, the centenary year of the IAU’s founding, the book chronicles the first 100 years of the IAU, its accomplishments and its evolving place in society.

You can find more information here: 

8) IAU100 Endorsed Projects Applications

The IAU100 Endorsed projects provide extra means to achieve the IAU100 main goals and objectives. This project category is intended to provide large global projects, which satisfy the vision of IAU100, with greater international recognition and an opportunity to connect with other celebrations worldwide.

Find more information here:

9) Meetings and Global Events 

Here you can find a list of astronomy outreach & education conferences and events around the world. Plan ahead for a very special year for Astronomy, full of interesting events!

a) European Week of Astronomy and Space Science
Date: 24 – 28 June 2019
Location: Lyon, France
More information:

b) Starmus Festival V: A Giant Leap
Date:  24–29 June 2019
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
More information:  

c) Asteroid Day
Date: 30 June 2019
Location: Around the world
More Information:

d) 3rd Workshop on Dissemination and Education of Astronomy (WDEA III)
Dates: 2 July (Solar Eclipse), 4- 5 July 2019
Location: San Juan, Argentina
More information at

e) IAU100: Moon Landing 50th Anniversary - Let's All Observe the Moon! 
Date: 20 July 2019  
Location: All around the world
More information: 

f) Astronomy Education Conference: Bridging Research & Practice
Date: 16-18 September 2019.
Location: Garching, Munich, Germany,
More Information: 

g) IAUS358: Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — a roadmap to action within the framework of IAU centennial anniversary
Date: 12-15 November 2019  
Location: Tokyo, Japan
More information: 

h) Art, Visualisation and the Cosmos in Education
Date 5-6 December 2019
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

i) Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education Conference
Date : 8-11 December 2019
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
More information:

Have we missed something? Then share your astronomy outreach and education international meetings or events with us via

10) IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter in other languages

-     Translations into Serbian are available, by Dr Liliana Gracanin from Serbia: ;
-     Translations into Japanese are available, carried out by Akihiko Tomita through the Astronomy Translation Network: If you want to receive the Japanese newsletter translation, please subscribe to the Japanese Amateur Astronomers Association here:, or the Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy here:;
-     Translations into Galician are available, by Martin Pawley, Agrupación Astronómica Coruñesa Ío, in Spain here:    
-     Translations into Spanish are available by Emílio Zuniga, the Association of Amateur Astronomers from León, Nicaragua:;
-     Translations into Italian are available by Eleonora Piromalli, AstronomiAmo, from Italy here:

-     Translations into Russian are available by Artem Mokhnaktin, Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pulkovo. You can find the latest translations of the newsletter here.  
-     Translations into (European) Portuguese are available, carried out by Catarina Leote, João Ferreira & Jonas Souza through the Astronomy Translation Network (ATN) Portuguese Language Group (the previous issue can be found here).

If you are interested in translating our newsletter into your language, please let us know via

11) Contributions to the IAU Outreach Newsletter—looking forward to hearing from you in 2019

Here at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, we’re always looking for news about astronomical education and outreach events around the world. Please continue to share your stories with us in 2019! If you are organising large-scale events at a regional or international level, offering astronomy education or communication job positions, have any innovative projects or inspiring stories, looking for professional-amateur collaboration in astronomy, or have created any educational resources, let us know by sending an email to 
You can send us your suggestions until the 4th (for issue #1) and the 17th (for issue #2) day of each month. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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